Chapter 2 ~ Released

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Chapter 2: Released

The pub was crowded and buzzing. The thump of the music playing seemed to thrum through the walls and pound along to the beat of my heart. I grinned, feeling alive as I greeted the pack who'd come to say goodbye and have a good night.

Flidais was behind the bar, signature cigarette hanging from her lips as she scanned the room. She was often employed to keep the younger wolves in check as they drank. No humans came to this pub luckily. It was run by Wulvers for Wulvers, a safe place where we could let lose without fear of what would happen when drink lowered our inhibitions and instincts were freed.

Kailum tugged me to the bar and Flidais gave me a grin that I returned.

"I take it that since you're here, you've convinced your uncle to let you go?" she asked, leaning over the bar.

I nodded, laughing. "Like he could have stopped me had he said no."

She snorted but didn't argue. In all honesty, I wasn't sure that I'd have managed to go without his permission.

Kailum ordered our drinks and as I looked around the room and towards the makeshift dance floor, I cringed. Raeghan was the centre of attention as she danced with her hands raised, dark copper hair flying wildly around her.

"She's been here a few hours," Flidais muttered. "Drinks like her mother."

When I raised an eyebrow, she smirked and leaned in closer to whisper. "A lot at once but can't handle it."

"I guess we'll have to watch what we drink so we can make sure she gets home safely. We don't need Alpha Roarke hunting her down later. . .again," Kailum muttered.

I cringed again at that. Raeghan had turned eighteen earlier in the year and had gotten more than a little carried away on her birthday night out. Alpha Roarke had dragged his drunk pup home and she'd been scolded in front of half the pack.

We weren't the only ones watching our future Alpha Female. I didn't like the way male gazes lingered on the female I considered my little sister. Drink in hand, I marched my way through the crowd, growling my warning at any male I considered a threat to her.

Glowing eyes met mine but most bared their necks and backed away. I didn't really hold rank in the pack, not like my uncle or even Raeghan, but I was the niece of the Beta and that put me somewhat in a position not to be messed with.

"Fenna!" Raeghan called out, launching herself at me and spilling some of her drink down my top.

I half hugged her, half kept her from collapsing. "You're having a glass of water, Rae."

Wide, pale green eyes looked up at me, her bottom lip jutting out but my expression must have conveyed that I wasn't pleased with her. She sighed heavily and nodded.

"You were meant to be here hours ago, I had to drink on your behalf," she accused with a huff.

I rolled my eyes and helped her over to Kailum who'd already gotten her a glass of water.

"I had a family dinner and then I had to convince Quillan to let me run away," I explained, passing her the glass.

She took a few sips, scrunching her nose. I watched her closely, not letting up until she finished the whole glass.

"You need to be more careful-"

"Don't even try to tell me you never got drunk at my age. I'm the Alpha's daughter, nobody is going to do anything and the whole pack watches out for each other. Someone would have made sure I got home alright," she interrupted haughtily.

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