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"The thick color of rainy day in Seoul
I can't fall asleep as I fade away
The rain steps and the reflection in the puddle 
I see myself looking more miserable today
Oh oh~
Just the same without saying anything, looking at the world
There, a boy so beautiful me is looking at myself"

The music played softly on the radio as it slowly faded away...

The sound of light, soft rain hits the small window of Y/N's. The girl slowly started to wake up lifting her weak head up from the pillow as it felt heavy. She slowly opened her eyes looking at her room. Suddenly, she started to remember what happened at the club and looked at her neck that is now covered with dark red marks. She grabbed her pillow and started to scream on it getting the attention of the male that is sitting out in the living room. The black headed came rushing it, eyes glued to Y/N.

"What? Are you okay?" He continued. "What happened?" He sat down next to her waiting for an answer, the girl looked at him for a few seconds then spoke.

"What are you doing here" he placed the pillow down.

"How can you say that to my beautiful face?" he placed his hands on his chest pretending to be hurt. "Everyone loves my wide shoulders, beautiful hair and let's not forget about my juicy lips" he pouted making the girl giggle. He smiled placing his hands on hers.

"That's the smile I wanted to see, now can you tell me what happened to you at the club" she looked up at him removing her hands from his, speaking.

"Jin, I can't remember anything, all I can remember is this guy locking me up in a room" Jin looked away as he remembered that image.

"Yeah, I know that" he continued. "Thank god I made it just in time or who knows what they asshole would have done"  Y/N's head immediately faced him.

"You were there?! You got me here?" Jin smiled softly

"Yeah, I was there"


Jin's POV

"Why is it they I always have to get food for your sorry asses?" I replied back hoping he would leave me alone.

"Come on hyung, we're dying over here"

"Fine, if I do, would you stop it with the extra dance practice"

"But hyung that's for your own goo-

"Goodbye Hoseok" I closed my phone placing it on the table. Looking around I spotted a familiar figure sitting a couple of seats down. Wait, is that Y/N? What is she doing here? the bartender placed a drink infront of her as she drank it with on gulp. That girl can drink, Taehyung what have you done? I quietly continued to have my eye on her to sure she gets home safely. Out of no where, the guy rushes around the counter, grabs Y/N as he walked out of the bar, vanishing into the pool of drunk teenagers. Shit! Where is he taking her! What do dirty guys think?!? I dug my hands into my pockets picking up money, placing it on the table as I rushed to find Y/N. Oh god, where can she be? I ran to the dance floor to see if the guy took her there, no sigh of her. What? Where would he possibly take her? My eyes widened as the thought just formed in my head. I ran towards the VIP section, opening every single door, disturbing people making out, having sex and other unnecessary sexual activities that I do not need to know right now. I finally got to the room where Y/N was at and my heart stopped. The fuck? I can't think straight, I can't do it. Who would do that? Are you even human? Do you have a heart? Or a brain cell even? I ran up to him and it just happened, I didn't care about anything else, all I was thinking about was to save Y/N, save the person that's like my little sister. I punched the guy on the jaw, he flew to the other side of the room and stayed unconscious. I turned around facing Y/N, and found her on the floor, head on the red carpet as her skin turned pale white. I picked her up, her head on my chest as I ran out of the room.


I slowly placed her on the passenger seat, putting her seat belt on as I closed the door. I ran to the other side of the car, getting myself in and placing the seat belt on my chest. Before starting the engine I heard Y/N mumble a few words

"W-why? Taehyung why?" She cried as she moved, eyes closed. She moved to one side of the seat, getting both her little legs up pressing the against her chest.

"Hey it's okay, I'll get you home" If I know where that it, I patted her head as it sends her to sleep. Where does she live? Who knows where she lives? Jungkook? Hoesok? Who's close to her? Bingo!! Yoongi!! I grabbed my phone from my pocket, dialling Yoongi's number.

"Hyung, this better be important I swear" he voice deep, he must be in the studio.

"Where does Y/N live?" My question, easy and snappy. There was a pause for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"Why? Are you visiting" here goes nothing.

"I found Y/N drunk at a club, and I want to take her home" I didn't want to say anything about the guy it's unnecessary.

"Really?! Is she okay?!"

"She will be"

"She went to the bar? Hyunsook did say anything about a club"

"No, she went alone" I replied as I heard a loud sigh through the phone.

"Make sure she's okay, I'll send you the address now"

"Thank you" I hung up.

End of flashback...

Author POV
"Here", Jin handed the girl a glass of water as she thanked him. After drinking it she placed the glass at her nightstand as she turned around looking at Jin.

"Sorry for causing you so much trouble, I didn't mean it" her head low from the embarrassment. He smiled holding her hands

"Y/N, your like a little sister to me, of course am going to get worried" she lifted her head up returning the smile

"Thank you" her smile faded away as her eyes landed on the picture of her and Taehyumg hands in each other like nothing is wrong. She placed the frame down so the picture cannot be seen anymore. Jin couldn't help but notice the hurt in her eyes, the smile that faded.

"What happened between you and Taehyung?" She looked down not making any type of contact. He placed his index finger beneath her chin lifting it up.

"You can trust me" he smiled, reassuring her.

"Didn't you see the news? He was seen with a girl walking out of a hotel. Not only that, when I texted him where he was he had the authority to lie right infront of my face and said he was resting but he was out with the same girl!" She shouted, making the guys eye widened.

"He did what?" His eyes still surprised as he got a hold of the girl. She shook her head, smiling.

"Don't worry about this situation, it's fine" she continued "It's getting a bit late, don't you think your going to get in trouble because of me?" She worriedly questioned him. He chuckled at her sentence.

"Don't worry I'll head home soon, I just wanted to make sure your okay"

"Am fin-

Knock Knock...

A knock on the door interrupted the talk. They both looked at each other slowly as Jin stood up from the bed.

"Are you expecting anyone?" He questioned looking down at the girl wrapped up in bed. She shook her head as a no as he sighed walking away from her and to the front door. The next thing she knew one familiar figure stood before her eyes. The figure panting out of breath, came closer to her until he's in front of the bed. The girl panicked, her hands shaking from nervousness, bringing the covers closer to her face as she spoke to the figure in front of her.

"Get away from me, please! Leave me the fuck alone!!"

𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙮 • 𝙠𝙩𝙝 ✔︎ (𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜) Where stories live. Discover now