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Taehungs legs weakened as they landed on the floor of Y/N's bedroom, his head low, nose turning red as tears ran down his cheeks

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Taehungs legs weakened as they landed on the floor of Y/N's bedroom, his head low, nose turning red as tears ran down his cheeks. He didn't know what to say, he couldn't say anything, this is the first time the girl raised her voice on him and pleaded for him to leave. Is he disappointed? No, nervous? Maybe, but he's scared and afraid to lose the girl he loves, the girl he thinks about almost every second of the day, the girl he wishes she would be by his side all the time, the girl he would do anything and sacrifice everything for, the girl that would make a bad day turn good just because of her beautiful smile. And the girl he wants to spend his life with, he can't just lose her now, he refuses to do lose her now.

"Babe, please listen to me, I want to- " he got cut off by Y/N as she stood up from her bed arms crossed over her chest.

"Taehyung!" She yelled making him look up at her from below.

"What have I ever done to you? Was I a bad girlfriend? Did I do anything wrong? Please fucking tell me!" Tears started to form around her eyes as she turned around wiping them, avoiding taehyung to see her at this stage. The sliver headed came closer to her now his hands wrapped around her legs, on his knees.

"You need to let me explain please, I had my reasons" Y/N quickly pushed him away as his eyes widened. She couldn't take this anymore, she trusted him, opened up to him.

"Not good enough, get the fuck out of my apartment" she spoke turning around waiting for him to leave but taehyung is not going to give up just yet. He got up from the floor now making the girl look like a insect in front of a tree. He was about to talk when he was once again cut off but this time not by Y/N.

"We need to go back to the dorm is getting late, how about you talk about this tomorrow?" Jin came in grabbing onto Taehyungs shoulder as a sign of leaving. Taehyung looked at his older brother wanting help be he knows it's not the right time. He slowly nodded turning to face Y/N.

"Baby I'll be back tomorrow, I'll explain everything then" he received nothing be a cold back. "I love you freckles" as he left the girl broke down crying, allowing Jin to comfort her with a warm hug. He wrapped his arms around her small body speaking

"Hey, it's not what it looks like I promise, everything will be fine tomorrow, trust me" he smiled wiping the tears from the girls check.

"Thank you, I owe you so much" he chuckled as he held her hands.

"You owe my nothing, I am like a brother to you anyway" he winked making the girl smile a bit. He released his hands from hers.

"Goodnight" he gently rubbed her back exiting her room as he met taehyung outside the apartment making there way to the dorm.


Thursday at 3:34pm
She sat on the bus stop seat patiently waiting for the bus to arrive taking her back home from school. She was about to place her headphones on her ears but was stopped.

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