Chapter 5

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-Girl Almighty-


I jolt awake, a single droplet of sweat drips down my forehead. My heart beats rapidly as my brain tries to make sense of my new environment. Harsh rope rubs against the wrists of my arm. I thrash around in position, this can't be happening! I can barely see anything ahead of me through the dense darkness that surrounds me. Where am I?
"Hello!?" I call out desperately. I feel the furred skin of mice scattering the floors against my ankles. I shiver in disgust. I feel tears building up in my eyes, "I'm only a mere fan, how could this happen to me?" I quiver to myself.

After an aching moment of time, a bright lamp gets yanked to shine on my face. The light blinds me, I can only barely make out 4 figures behind the source of light.
"Who are you?" I question helpless,
"We're One Direction." The group sings in perfect harmony. As if on cue, the whole room lights up revealing the fact that we are all inside of an isolated concrete warehouse. Gawking at my captures, I can't help but feel the tingle of excitement and joy. I'd consider it a nightmare to be kidnapped but considering it's the love's of my life, I think this is a dream!

"You're the only one for us!" Harry confesses whole-heartedly,
"We need you, Y/N." Niall caresses.
"You're now our servant, Y/N." Louis and Liam exclaim in unison. The group chuckles as Harry blindfolds me with a red material. I get led to an unknown destination but I'm not concerned, I have full faith and trust in my capture for a reason logic can't justify.

The silence is deafening, nothing but the sound of my feet hitting the floor fill my ears. When my blindfold gets removed, my eyes adjust to a microphone stand that is stood before me. Behind such is the screaming and cheering ocean of fans. I turn around to look at the rest of the boys who are dressed in their 2012, braces and button-up attire. They all yell into their microphones urging me to join their concert.
"SING! SING! SING!" They all chant, soon the audience joins in.
"SING! SING! SING! SING!" Everyone shouts, I'm drowned in the demands.
"DO IT! JOIN US! SING!" The screaming becomes overwhelming. My stomach twists in anxiety as I run off stage.

I run backstage and bump into the unlikeliest of people.
"Zayn!" I gasp in shock. He takes my shaking hands and holds them up to his chest.
"Let's get out of here." His buttery voice soothes as he leads me to the exit. As I get taken to the parking lot, I get urged into a shiny black van that I do not find suspicious at all because I trust everyone, especially celebrities. I get into the van and sit calmly into the passenger seat as Zayn takes the wheel. Zayn drives chaotically out of the venue, I look into the rearview mirror and see another van following us in chase.
"Hold on tight." Zayn instructs as he accelerates. I hold on tight to my seat. I glance back into the rearview mirror and see Harry poking his head out the window, his hair whipping in the wind.
"We're coming for you, Y/N!" He shouts. Zayn makes a sharp turn into a wide wheat field.

The van topples over but we get out unharmed. I watch as Liam, Niall, Louis and Harry get out of their car and stand before us across the field. I begin jogging up to them to see if they are okay. Zayn shouts as me to stop before I'm able to meet them. You could cut the tension with a knife.
"We don't want you to leave, you have to stay!" Louis cries,
"You're ours!" Niall whines, I turn to face Zayn.
"I've only met you Y/N, but I love you!" Zayn confesses. I feel my heart jumping. What's this? One Direction? Fighting? Over ME?

A minute goes by where no one makes the first move. I hear a faint countdown in my head. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. The two sides charge forward, whoever reaches me first wins my love, I guess.
The two sides reach me at the exact same time, I get tackled to the ground on impact and we all fall to the ground. I feel my head hit something.

Never Gone (One Direction x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now