fifty-three | cheek kisses and spontaneous relationships

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Percy's hair stuck up randomly, his face gentle- no worry lines to shroud his personality. She ran a hand along his cheekbones lightly, as not to wake him. The late afternoon sun, though the season, warmed them. She still pulled the sleeves of his jacket closer, though, as to keep all of Percy near her. 

He was having trouble, that much she knew. He'd come back incredibly wounded. Annabeth had decided not to prod, hoping he'd mention it when he was ready. He didn't seem to be ready, even after the weeks he'd been back for. 

They'd been sleeping together most nights, so he couldn't hide the fact that nightmares shook him every night. Annabeth pretended to sleep through his shaky breaths, his light night cries. Most of the time he clung to her like his life depended on her. Sometimes she worried it did. 

Other nights, she really did sleep through it. By the time they got to the little house next to the Weasley's- Dumbledore had demanded that the demigods get their own area- they were always both too tired to do much. One night they played a game of cards, another she read him half of a book. Once he cooked them some spaghetti. They didn't talk. They didn't plan. They slept. 

The others seemed to know that at nights, the place had become theirs. They slept on the large couch in the middle of the living space, covered in as many blankets as they could find. During the day the house boomed with laughter and their friends, the large living area and kitchen enough to make them happy. As soon as the night fell- it was theirs again. 

A small grunt from Percy pulled her from her thoughts. He held her tighter, and opened his eyes slightly. Annabeth giggled at him. Percy groaned and rubbed his eyes. "I hate mornings."

"It's actually not morning, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth countered. "It's time for dinner and the quidditch game." They'd only slept for an hour. After their little adventure in the woods, they'd dragged themselves back to the house for a late afternoon nap. 

Percy groaned again, but his smile betrayed him. As much as he hated all the people yelling and screaming, he enjoyed watching his friends play. "Well?" He stood, pulling her up with him. "I'm starving." 

Annabeth laughed. So was she. 


Silena dumped the food she didn't eat onto Beckendorf's plate, and neither of them even looked up. Annabeth laughed and nudge the other girl as Beckendorf dug in. Silena rolled her eyes. "He could eat a horse," she said.

Annabeth smiled. Silena had reported that the son of Hephaestus had been losing sleep recently, a noticeable side effect of a returning memory. Rachel reported that Bianca, after seeing Nico by the lake one night (Annabeth didn't know the details of that, and didn't ask), had been sitting up in bed most nights, sometimes walking down to the grass in the field. Zoe, being the girl's best friend, stayed up with her most of the time. Annabeth knew why- Piper had said Zoe wasn't sleeping that well either. 

Percy nudged her with his foot, but didn't look at her when she turned. There was a slight smile playing at his lips, a rare sight these days. It wasn't often he was entirely happy. She followed the train of his eyes. 

Reyna sat with Blaise, his arm thrown around her shoulders despite all the people around to see. Ethan was gawking at them, like Blaise had just said something insane. Draco was covering his mouth to hide a snicker, but Annabeth could read the situation well enough. In fact, she already knew what had happened between the wizard and the demigod the night before. Girl talk came in handy. 

"They're dating," Annabeth mused to Percy. 

His eyes snapped to her. "What?" 

"They're dating," she repeated. Percy looked as if he had seen a ghost. Annabeth giggled at him. Percy went to kiss her cheek. 

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