Chapter 23

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Justin's POV

"Hey ari I will be back" I said

"Ok" she said

I went upstairs to my laptop and took it downstairs,

"Hey wanna  watch some videos of me singing?" I asked

"yes your so good" she said cuddling into me

"ok this one is so sick by neyo" I said

"gotta change my answering machine, now that I'm alone cause right now it seems that we can't come to the phone, and I know it makes no sense cause you walked out the door, but it's the only way I hear your voice anymore" it played, my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID, it was Ella,

"hey ella" I said smiling

"omg omg omg please tell me you and Ariana  are back together!" she fangirled on the phone,

"Haha yes we are" I said blushing,

"OMG YAY!!!!!!! " she screamed,

" I'm so happy for you!" she said

"thanks El" I said

"Ok I gotta go now but we all have to meet up soon" she said

"yep defiantly" I said

"great! Byeee" she said

"byee" I said,

I walked into the room and saw Ariana  suddenly shut the laptop,

"what were you doing?" I asked smirking curiously,

"oh um nothing" she said as I sat next to her,

I opened my laptop and My eyes widened,
She posted the videos on YouTube!

Arianas pov

His face was priceless, but I hope I did the right thing,

"are you mad?" I asked scared.

"mad?! Why would you think I'd be mad, I'm suprised but I'm also thankful" he said.

"why thankful?!" I asked

"because I've always wanted to post the videos it's just that I never had the courage because I was scared" he said.

"why were you scared Justin?" I asked

"scared of what people will think of me" he said.

"why would you even think of that, your an amazing singer and every one has haters and fans so don't worry baby" I said hugging him,

"I'm so glad I have you" he said

"I know" I said grining

"haha" I laughed,

"I'm homeeee" someone said,

"mum!!!" Justin screamed running up to her,

I wasn't quite sure what to call her,

"hi pattie" I said unsure,

"Hey sweet how are you?" she said hugging me,

"ari you can call her mum, since she is gonna be your in law one day" he smirked at me, I blushed so hard,

"in law aye" pattie smirked

I blushed ever harder,

"yup and guess what mum" justin said excitingly,

"what?" she asked

"Ariana posted the video of me singing online,  she posted so sick" he told pattie,

"no way! Let's go check the comments" she said

We went to justin's laptop and there was already 1 thousand views and 200 comments,

"let's post another one" I said

We posted a video of Justin singing an R&B song.

This is the best day ever, I hope it lasts forever, (S. N.  Hint hint )


Hope you guys liked it, I'm writing it at school and it's lunch right now, I have drama next which I love and geography which I hate, someone help meeeee,

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