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Justin's POV (been a long time aye)
Last night was the best night of my life, I gave up my virginity to Ariana and she is the girl I want to marry, I'm looking at her now and she is the most beautiful girl on the planet, and what does a princess deserve BREAKFAST IN BED.
I put clothes on and brushed my teeth then ran downstairs to start, I got bacon, lamb sausages, eggs, flowers and tea, I heard Arianas alarm go off, wow she still wakes up at 7am.
I put all the food on a plate and on a tray, I went upstairs and saw her beautiful face,
"Wake up baby" I said kissing her cheeks, then her eyes, then nose, then lips.
"Hehe good morning Justin" she said
"I made you my special bieber breakfast" I said proudly,
"Haha just like o'l days" she said,
"Yup, now I'm feeding you" I said smirking,
"Hahaha no" she said
"What? Why not?" I asked fake sadly,
"Aw fine then" she said
"See I always get what I want" I said
"But what about what I want?"Ariana asked
"What do you want?" I asked cluelessly
"This" she said and kissed me, "now hurry up I'm hungry" she giggled
"Ok ready, in the aeroplane goes but oh no it missed its landing, instead it's going into Justin's mouth" I said joking
"No" she said angrily crossing her arms with her head leaning on my forehead, she is so cute when she is doing that
"I'm just kidding baby girl" I said feeding her making her smile,
"So Justin, what are we?" Ariana asked,
"Well I don't actually know" I said
"Justin will you go out with me?" She asked
I was a little shocked to hear her say that but I was screaming happily in my head,
"Yes baby" I said kissing her,
"Hehe ok stop let me finish eating" she said
"Let's instagram this" I said
We took a picture and we kissed each other then took it, we put the caption as *jariana can never be apart*
"I love you Justin" Ariana said
"I love you too baby girl" I said,
"So what are we gonna do today?" Ariana asked,
"I don't know, let's check the comments" I said
"Ooh I'll read them out" Ariana said
"No I will" I said
"Fine" she said
I read the first one,
"Ariana you are.......oh wow" I said shocked,
"What?" Ariana said smiling
"It says you are beautiful and so lucky to have me" I said smirking hoping it worked
"Let me see that" she said, I tried to take the phone out of her hands but she got to it, her happy face soon turned into sadness and my heart dropped,
"Ari forget what they said, they are jealous I'm cause your boyfriend, not theirs" I said caressing her cheek,
"I love you so much baby" she said kissing my cheek.
I have writers block again
I listened to
- the heart wants what it wants by Selena
I find it very emotional and sad, and no doubt it was about Justin, tell me what you think?
Love Ya

The bully and his brother (Justin bieber and Ariana grande)Where stories live. Discover now