[39] - Finally, I Can Be Free

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The water below runs steady as pellets of rain collect in its entirety, looking as dark as night with the storm clouds closing in above.

She looks over the railing and finds an odd sense of peace falling around her shoulders. For the first time in years, Alex is finally able to let go without judging eyes tearing her apart limb from limb. Despite these thoughts at the forefront of her mind, she can't help but think of Stranger.

He's going to think it's his fault...

I don't want that.

But I don't want to live like this anymore.

I'll be happier.

Everyone will be.

I'm doing the right thing.

She swings one leg over the side, then the other and sits there as her heart begins to pound harder with each gust of wind.

I wonder what it's going to be like.

Hopefully warm and peaceful.

A big bright light to guide me on my journey into the afterlife.

I want that so bad.

I'm only moments away from having it too.

Alex leans forward, the slightest smile peaking at the corner of her lips.

But, as the smile comes, it fades just as quickly.

Stranger...He's so different than anyone I've ever met.

So kind, caring, and thoughtful.

He's helped me through really tough times and seems to always be there when I need him.

I wonder what it would be like if...if his arms were holding me.

If he turned me around right now, smiled, and said that everything was going to be ok.

Maybe then I'd reconsider, but completely shutting him out for dayshe's going to hate me.

Her tears mix with the rain.

I'm sorry Declan, for failing at helping you recover.

I'm sorry mom, for failing at being the daughter you always wanted.

I'm sorry dad, for never saying I love you when you said it to me.

I'm sorry Bailey, for not being the big sister you could always look up to.

I'm sorry Stranger, for not sticking around long enough to show you how you deserve to be treated.

And I'm sorry God, that I'm not strong enough to continue on...

One of her hands lifts off the railing.

I can see the light. Its so bright and getting closer.


Finally, I can be free.

The other hand comes off, joining in her unsteady 'T' formation.


"Alex wait!"


Be honest, what was your reaction to this chapter?

I'll let you guys debate in the comments what might happen next.

Will Stranger be able to save her or is she too far gone?

You'll just have to wait and see.

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Until next time


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