chapter 23

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Deliah pov.

I was sitting in one of the cafes near my apartment . I deiced to call Ian. I called Ian's number and he answered after 5 rings.

"Hello Ian ?"I asked.

"Yeah" he answered sounding pissed at something.

"Did you see Xavier at the party ? Was he really interested in that girl ? Did anything happen in the party?" . I asked him in one breathe .

"Hey relax D . I saw them he and aliana seemed close to me but still there was something fishy about it . So I thought to follow them ." He stated.

My heart crunched when I got to know they were close to each other but I don't think Xavier would be that close with aliana.

"Ok keep following them without them knowing and tell me if something happens."I told him .

He said " I don't think this is going good ".I was about to ask what happen when he said."they both went inside Xavier's mansion hand in hand."

I controlled myself and said " don't go anywhere untill you are sure that they are toghter."

" I don't think they are in same room deliah because I can see aliana and xavier's shadow in two different rooms"he stated .

That relaxed me a bit and I told him to come to the cafe I was sitting in. But inside I was still thinking that something might happen between them they are no in same rooms but they are under same roof.

I was still in my thoughts when Ian came and settled himself in the front seat.

He seemed vulnerable like me .
"I think we should do something about this matter soon or I will do something myself " he stated .

I was taken a back by what he said and I thought for a movement and said "oh my sweet little friend has grown liking for aliana ".

He deeply sighed and nodded . Now the accomplishment of the mission was more important to both of us.

We bid our bye's and left the cafe . I started walking to my car and opened the door . I sat there for few movement and started thinking of how much happy me and Xavier could be if things were in the right place .

I decided not to wait for my destiny to play another cheap trick with me I started my car and went back to my apartment .

I decided to send aliana my and xavier's pictures. I wanted to get back in Xavier's life and it seemed to be the only way for going back to Xavier.

The very next morning I send those picks to aliana and waited in my office near my apartment for his arrival .

I knew after knowing this he would come to me. I kept doing my work and checked the clock after every 5min and thinking  why didn't he came . Was he that broken that he didn't want to see me again .

I kept doing my work till few more hour then I left the work and went to the parking lot.  I was about to open my car when two  hand caged me  I could feel his presence behind me .

I didn't knew this was going to be very much tough for me to meet him after an year tears gathered in my eyes and I tried to hold them but one slid down my face .

He turned me around and once again after a year of time I was able to be the captive of those blue eyes .

I hold myself back and cleaned the tear away from the back of my hand .

We just kept standing there watching each other for few more minutes . The atmosphere around us was thick .

" Why? " we both stated at the same time .

Hope you like the story . Sorry for the late update . Don't forget to vote comment and share.

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