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Xavier's pov

1 year later

I checked myself again in the mirror if I anything is left or not . I took a look at myself and felt a hand on my back turning around I came face to face with Ian and Allen they both were my friends now .

"Why the hell are you so nervous and anxious man calm down you look okay"Ian said .

Ofcource how could I miss to tell you guys today is my wedding and I am hell nervous , I repeated the vows like 10 times in front of mirror .

"Wait till your turn comes "I said to him and immediately regretted it . I saw him clench his jaw and hands turning to fist remembering about aliana .

"I am sorry "I said sympathetically he nodded his head and tried to smile . Allen was also there playing with his 2month old son Leonardo .

Alexsi surprised him on his birthday ,telling him about her pregnancy . They both are happly married couples now .

As for Ian and aliana they broke up , but deliah and I knew that they will soon be toghter again in each others arms .

The door opened and my parents came in , my mom squealed seeing me and said "aww look Xander our soon is looking so handsome . " My dad nodded and came near me he hugged me and said "today I m coming to the church with deliah "he stated and a smile made its way to my lips .

I knew that my dad will do something like this . When I introduced my parents to deliah they immediately liked her because she was not some b*tch or sl*t but sweet and innocent .

My parents immediately accepted deliah as there daughter when they got to know that her parents are no more .

The manger came and called all of us to the church . I went to stand at my place and waited for deliah to come.

The song changed and we knew the bride was coming she entered and i was so happy that I could not explain my happiness in words .

She came and my father placed her hand in mine and warned me to keep her safe , I nodded my head and took her hand in my tight hold .

She looked so beautiful in her dress. The priest strated the ceremony I was so busy admiring her that I didn't pay any heed to the world standing there .

I felt a pat on my shoulder and turned around to see my mother giving me a glare . I frowned my bow and turned to see deliah agian , she was looking down with tears shining in her eyes I placed my hand on her chin and make her look at me she was about to cry any minute and I turned to priest and he said I asked you that if you accept deliah as your wife or not and you stood frozned there .

I slapped my self in my mind and said "I do ".

The priest asked deliah the vice versa and she also agreed .

"I now pronounce to as legally wedded husband and wife you may kiss the bride ." The priest said .

I kissed my wife passionately and she kissed me back . We could hear cheers around us .

It was time for deliah to throw the bouquet , she throws the bouquet high in the air and we all waited for its fall we all turned to where the bouquet was going and it was catched by aliana . Deliah faced me and smirked looking at Ian and deliah . I knew what she was thinking and hooded my head and whispered in her "good shot wife "and she giggled in respond.

We both left the church and went to the airport for taking the flight to slicily for our honeymoon .

We both stayed landed at late night and went to sleep as soon as we reached the hotel.

We spend a full week enjoying our self in slicily . We didn't had sex but made love to each other .

After spending a week without leaving each other we went to Paris and then new York .

We went back to our busy lifestyle but at evening we would watch movies and Netflix cuddling each other.

Deliah's pov

It's been a month since we are happly married and I am enjoying every moment of it . I had morning sickness from few days so when I went to doctor he told me that I m pregnant can you believe it .


There is another life growing inside of me . I thought to surprise Xavier and went home early to arrange everything .

I messaged him asking when is he coming home he replied in 5minutes and I switched off the lights .

The front door opened and someone came inside switching on the lights I shouted surprise with a smile and saw Xavier liking surprised .

"What are the arrangements for babe, is there something special." he asked .

I nodded as I went to him . I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him towards me with a smile and said "I m pregnant" he froze in his place and I took this chance to kiss him
He kissed me back and pulled me in a hug .

"I love you deliah you don't know how much I love you "He said breaking the kiss to breath .

"I love you too" With that we both kissed each other again and I could wait to spend my rest of life with Xavier and the little bundle of joy growing in my stomach



By :Deepanshu kumar uppal

THANK YOU everyone for reading my story . I hope you like it and soon I will be re editing it because of the grammar errors.

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