Every Fiber Aches for You

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William felt as if someone had struck him as he turned away from Fidelia to leave.

"William, wait." Fidelia clutched his hand to stop him. He paused to look back at her and caught his breath. She stared up at him; her lips, which he had kissed until they were raw, were parted slightly. How could the Fates be so cruel? Fidelia was his wife, and yet she was not his. He loved her, could think of nothing but her, and still, she felt nothing for him. She scorned him with sharp words and sharper glares.

"I'm sorry," Fidelia began, and William's heart fell even further.

"It is I who must apologize," he said stiffly. "I overstepped and vio­lated your trust in me."

"I'm sorry that I have caused you such anguish. I . . . I did not—I never thought—" She gripped his morning coat tightly in her little hands, the hands he ached to hold.

William shook his head, his wall of formality crumbling. He brought his hand to her cheek. "How could you not know? Every fiber of my being aches for you."

Fidelia gaped at him. "William, I . . . I have always felt—strongly for you."

"Oh, you have made the strength of your dislike quite clear." William scoffed and turned again to leave. Fidelia stumbled past him on her crutch and leaned against the door to block his path, grunting with the effort.

"That is not what I meant!" she cried, her voice rising in exasperation.

"Then what did you mean?"

This time, it was Fidelia who cut him off. She dropped her crutch, grabbed his lapels, and pulled his face down to hers. She kissed him fiercely, as if the banshee fire that he saw burning in her eyes could only escape through that kiss.

He tensed in surprise at the feel of her lips against his. Was this a trick? A dream? He refused to move, confounded at her sudden change. Moments ago, William thought he had offended her and that she would spurn him even after he bore his heart to her.

Fidelia pressed her lips closer and her kiss gentled to a caress, wak­ing him out of his bewildered thoughts. His heart soared, and before she could draw back, William wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. He was desperate for the moment to last and afraid that it would end.

She returned his kiss with equal longing, and his chest warmed. She did care for him! There was no denying it now, not while she kissed him like that. He broke away to sweep her off her feet and into his arms, careful of her splinted leg. She giggled and cupped his face with her hands.

"William, I need to tell you—"

An angry knock pounded on the door.

"Fidelia!" the countess shouted, pounding on the door again. "It's time for your lessons!"

Fidelia groaned and squirmed to leave William's grasp.

He held her tighter and growled in frustration. "Let us pretend we aren't here," he begged in a whisper, nuzzling her ear.

She laughed, but the tone was sad. "As your mother has so fre­quently pointed out, I've embarrassed you enough already," she said. "I should at least try to be a good wife, as much as I loathe those lessons. Besides, she has threatened to punish me with burnt dinner for a week if I'm late to any more lessons."

William sighed and set her down, but not until he gave her ear an affectionate nibble that made her squeal. She swatted his arm and whispered, "You're a devilish rogue, Lord Greyville." He stooped to retrieve her fallen crutch, then helped her to the door. He grinned in satisfaction as she attempted to smooth down her hair, pleased that he had managed to make her so flustered with his kisses. She paused to give him a brilliant smile over her shoulder before she opened the door.

The countess's eyes narrowed when she caught sight of William behind Fidelia. "William, darling, how rude of you to abandon Miss Thorpe without so much as a farewell! She was a guest, and you had a duty as host to—"

He groaned and cut her off. "My apologies, Mother. Fidelia was not feeling well, and in my haste to care for my wife, I forgot about my guest. I shall go apologize immediately."

The countess flapped a hand through the air with a sniff. "Don't bother. She excused herself and said she would call again at a better time. Her manners are impeccable." She gave Fidelia a pointed look, but before William could defend his wife, his mother added, "Oh, and Mr. de Lacy is waiting for you downstairs."

William sucked in an unsteady breath. If Edmund was back so soon, that could only mean one thing—another mission. Sudden panic filled William's mind at the thought of leaving Fidelia again as he hurried forward to help her through the hall and down the stairs.

"We must move along faster in your lessons," the countess said from ahead of them as they started walking. "Miss Thorpe has agreed to join us for tea in four weeks' time at your official introduction to the ladies of Bath, and I just received a letter of acceptance from the Earl of Wilton's daughter. That makes ten guests total, and all of them of great importance in the ton. This must go absolutely perfectly if you are to avoid bringing shame to this family—"

"Miss Thorpe? There are more like her?" Fidelia asked, lips pursed.

William grinned down at her, recalling the thinly veiled slights that she had aimed at Miss Thorpe. He struggled to remember how he could have fancied himself in love with the elegant debutante compared to the intense feelings that burned in him each time he was near Fidelia.

The countess stopped. She sighed and glanced over her shoulder at William. "Let us pray that your choice of a bride will not ruin us. These women are the biggest gossips of the ton. The only way to ensure we maintain our social standing is for them to approve of her entirely." She flicked an angry glance in Fidelia's direction. William wrapped a protective arm around his wife's waist and opened his mouth to defend her, but Fidelia shook her head.

They continued down the stairs, but William paused on the next landing when he spied Edmund below them, resting his hand on the stair finial, his foot on the bottom tread, waiting for them. He seemed to be watching them, a distracted expression on his face.

"I will join you shortly," William murmured to Fidelia once they reached the main floor, brushing a kiss over her cheek. 

She opened her mouth as if to protest, but the countess grabbed her arm and dragged her to their next lesson. Fidelia hobbled along painfully, struggling with her crutch. Edmund joined William and together they watched Fidelia be led away. She cast a glance over her shoulder and rewarded William with a smile. 

Lottie emerged from the library further down the hall and joined her sister and the countess, pausing to give the two men a cheerful wave.

Edmund's breath hitched. William glanced at his friend and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Longing for matrimony, my friend?"

"Our choice in occupation is not exactly conducive to romanc­ing young ladies of the ton." Edmund shook off William's hand, not looking at him.

"Ah." William grinned, sensing that Edmund was hiding some­thing as he stared after the women. Was his gaze resting on Lottie? "But there is a young lady you have your eyes on?"

Edmund reddened. "There are certain . . . complications."

William chuckled, supposing he had correctly guessed Edmund's affection for Lottie. "Don't sound so morose, my friend. She seems to have eyes for you." He grinned conspiratorially, remembering the way Lottie blushed whenever she was near Edmund.

His companion shook his head sadly and turned to glare at William. "Enough with this nonsense." He smoothed his waistcoat and affixed a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "We have our orders." He held out a small coded letter.

William paused for a moment to gaze after Fidelia. Leaving on a mission had rarely been difficult before, but now that he knew Fidelia cared for him . . . He let out a weary breath, taking the letter. "Where are we going tonight?"



Hey Guys! Thank you for reading this chapter!  What do you think of Fidelia and William's relationship now that she has admitted to loving him?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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