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"Baby! Come on Baby open the door!" Fuck shit yelled out as he knocked on Kiko's door for the thousandth time

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"Baby! Come on Baby open the door!" Fuck shit yelled out as he knocked on Kiko's door for the thousandth time.

Fuck shit continued to knock on the door, looking down at his beat up converse.

When the doorknob started to move, the blonde's head pearked up in excitement.

"When are you going to shut the fuck up?" Kiko yelled at Fuck shit in annoyance as she answered the door.

Fuck shit looked at Kiko in confusion, not expecting to see her.

"You ain't Baby." Fuck shit stated in an annoying tone.

"Yeah, Im not. I came to the door to tell you to shut the fuck up." Kiko said with her arms crossed.

"Where's Baby?"

"Not here and definitely not looking for you."

Fuck shit was taken back from Kiko's comment and tried to step inside the house.

"This is Baby's house- she has to be here-" Fuck shit started.

"You idiot- This is my house! Who's house do you think this is?" Kiko asked him.

"Baby's?" Fuck shit questioned.

"Well its not. I came down here to tell you to shut the fuck up and you disturbed my painting." Kiko told Fuck shit.

As Kiko started to close the door once again, Fuck shit quickly reacted by holding the door open.

"Wait! Can you at least tell me where the hell Baby is!" Fuck shit asked.

"I already told you Fuck shit, I really dont fucking know!" Kiko yelled at him before slamming the door in the boys face.

Fuck shit stepped back as the door slammed shut.

"Bitch," Fuck shit mumbled as he picked up his skateboard.

Fuck shit sighed as he walked down the almost silent street, not knowing where to go or what to do at all.

"Fuck!!" Fuck shit screamed out in anger loudly.

"The fuck you yellin' bout?" A soft voice asked in confusion.

Fuck shit kept his head down for a long second until he realized who was talking.

"Baby!" Fuck shit screamed in relief as he ran up to the girl and hugged her.

Baby.(Mid90s)Where stories live. Discover now