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"Fuck!" Fuck shit yelled out

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"Fuck!" Fuck shit yelled out.

The group of teenagers stared at Baby's unconscious body. All of them showing fear and worry throughout their whole bodies.

"Baby- Baby- Baby this shit isn't funny!" Fuck shit yelled.

This is all your fault.

Maybe if you didn't fuck up your life, your girlfriend wouldn't be dead right now.

"Fuck shit."

You killed her.

"Fuck shit."

You're a killer.

"Fuck shit!"

The blonde looked up at Ray in fear, tears filling up his eyes.

"Calm down...okay?" Ray told Fuck shit.

"Well what the fuck are you gonna do?" Ruben asked with his arms crossed.

Fuck shit looked at Ruben with a glare, no longer keeping in his emotions.

"Ruben, shut the fuck up!"

"Who the fuck you talkin' to yo!"

Fuck shit walked towards Ruben, getting into his face.

"Who the fuck do you think?"

Before the both of them could start fighting, Kiko stepped in between them.

"Aye! Cut it the fuck out! My best friend is fucking dying and you guys wanna fucking argue!? We need to get her home. Now!" Kiko screamed out in anger and fear.

The group became silent, not knowing how to react to the girls screaming. Kiko bent down and laid Baby's head into her lap, moving her curls out of her pink face.

"She's jus unconscious but that doesn't mean we don't do anything." Kiko told the group.

"I can't loose my baby..." Fuck shit mumbled to himself.

Baby opened her eyes, instantly covering them from the bright lights.

"What the fuck..." The blonde girl mumbled to herself.

Baby's hazel eyes looked around the room, only to find silence.

"Hello?" Baby called out.

"Hello!? Where the fuck am I!?"

Baby's eyes widened as she started to realize what was happening.

I'm dead.

"Am I dead!?"

"Not exactly." A voice answered.

Baby jumped and turned around, facing another person.

The person had long hair, coffee brown skin, brown eyes, and dressed in all white.

"Where the fuck am I." Baby demanded for answers in fear.

"You're unconscious."

"Well shit." Baby mumbled to herself.

Once again, the blonde checked her surrounding. Baby didn't exactly know if this was heaven or not but it definitely gave her a little bit of anxiety. She could be dead by now and didn't even know what exactly happened to her. Her thoughts started to wonder off even more as she continued to think.

What about her friends?

What about her mom?

What about Fuck shit.

"Fuck shit..." Baby said to herself once again.

"What was that?" The suspicious angel asked Baby.

"What about my friends!? I have to get back! I can't be dead! I'm not fucking dead! IM NOT DEAD!" Baby screamed out.

The angel wrapped their arms around Baby's waist, taking a hold of her before she fell to her knees. Baby sobbed loudly into the angel's neck with tears running down her soft pink cheeks.

"I- I can't be dead, please- I-I need to go home." Baby continued to sob out.

"You're not dead me I know what death is and what death isn't." The angel responded softly.

"So I'm okay..." Baby asked.

"Are you okay?"

The angel's words stayed in Baby's head, not exactly knowing how to answer their question.

"I-I...I want to be...I don't wanna be dead, please. Please just take me home I'll do anything- I need my friends-" Baby continues to cry out.

"I think after all of this you'll start to understand yourself more..." The angel explained.

Baby looked the angel into her hazel eyes, realizing their eyes were exactly like hers. Baby stood up examining the angel and why they had looked so much like herself.

"W-Who are you?" Baby asked in a quiet tone.

The angel wiped Baby's tears, having tears running down their face as well.

"You've forgotten about me, haven't you Baby... oh, you've grown so much Valentina..." The angel smiled sadly.

Baby looked the angel in their eyes once again until everything clicked.

"Alejandro?" Baby said in shock.

"I missed you." Alejandro said in a bittersweet tone.

Before Baby could say anything else, everything went pitch black once again.

Word count: 698💗
A/n: hey? Um hi? I'm sorry for not updating for a while, ima be honest mental health has been up n down these past months so I'm jus trying to update as much as I can. I also want chapters to be good enough so I can make it up for not updating for so long :/ . Anyways pls leave your thoughts n comments bout the chapter down below and thanks for all the support no matter what, I love reading your guys comments💗.

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