(Day Two, "Cassiopeia")

25 4 12

Dear Cassiopeia,

You were my best friend, a sister to me, almost as much as Lucia and I were.

You're parents were odd hippies--your mother a gardener and your father a painter--and yet they were the sweetest people I knew, and you took right after them. Your name comes from a constellation and you were like the stars. Aptly named, for sure. Your parents knew what they were doing.

You had your father's eye for art; your sculptures should've been displayed in galleries across the world. I know you didn't like how your clothes were always caked in clay and paint, but I was so proud of it. Of you, my little artist friend. You always got embarrassed when I would drag people to see your creations and always seemed downcast about it, but there was no denying the happy spark in your eyes.

Your eyes were so pretty. Like a calming field of green grass. I think that's what Father meant when he said Mother's eyes were like lilacs. They always seemed bright, no matter how down you were, and you always tried to keep a happy face when around sad things.

I think that's why I love you. You kept us alive with your sundrop in a night sky attitude.

And it rips my heart to shreds you were my first casualty.

I never meant to hurt you, let alone kill you, Cass.

I wish I never did.

What has been done can never be undone.

Your death haunts me, daily.

I constantly rewatch the gun's beam blast through your abdomen. Your blood shoots out, splattering against the warm concrete, almost in slow motion. Your face falls in pain from your warm smile as you crumble to the ground.

Your scream, even now, chills me to the bone.

I never meant to lead them there. I was trying to stop them, I swear. I was coming to warn everyone.

'No casualties,' I told them. 'In and out, take what you want, but no casualties.'

And they agreed.

And, like an idiot, I believed them.

You weren't supposed to die.

You weren't supposed-

(she sniffs, her voice now tight, like she's crying.)

I'm sorry, Cassie.

You were brighter than the stars.

(end of recording.)

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