Planning Vengeance

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After the reunion, Y/N, Frost and Skarlet were now sat in the hall eating. Y/N ate a simple sandwich, Frost was drinking a can of soda that her systems could reprocess into fluids her cyborg body could use and Skarlet was feeding on some blood that Y/N had given her.

"What's your plan regarding the company you now own?", Skarlet asked her lover. Y/N took a moment to consider.

"The Schnee Dust Company has a large fortune. And an even larger collection of Dust. I can use the Dust to my advantage, such as improving my powers or fusing them into weapons. The fortune can be used to buy a lot of things. Might consider getting Frost a new arsenal and a few new upgrades, assuming the ones I find are to her liking", he replied.

"The company also ran several smaller shops out of business. They may need help", Frost added.

"A quarter of the massive fortune will go to helping smaller shops get back on their feet, a quarter of it will go to improving Faunus life. The rest will be used for our gain. Anything left over after we've gotten what we need will be divided between the shops and Faunus. The SDC wronged so many innocent people. And once that's sorted out, I'll ensure all property of the Schnees is sold off and the profits sent to charity organisations and fundraisers. Klein was the only one who helped me, so hopefully he can be persuaded to work for us. He was more family than all those assholes put together. And then once everything is sorted out, I'll completely shut down production, put hundreds of people who hate Faunus out of a job and give the Faunus they hurt a chance at a new life. And then once THAT is sorted out, I'll level the mansion to the ground and declare the SDC bankrupt. Anything I gain out of it like money or something will go to helping those Faunus slaves get their life back", Y/N replied with a smirk. Skarlet and Frost nodded in agreement. The three of them overheard several people talking

"Did you hear about how Weiss got expelled for attacking someone?", one student asked another

"Apparently she had a brother who she attacked without remorse and he's here in Beacon", the student replied before Y/N noticed them looking at him. He looked away and returned to his sandwich. Just then the same blonde haired girl Y/N remembered seeing walked up. Frost glared at her, ready to attack.

"So you're her brother?", the girl asked and Y/N nodded

"Yeah. What importance is it to you?", he asked with a scowl.

"Thanks to you, Weiss is expelled from Beacon leaving Team RWBY one member short!", the girl shouted and Y/N stood up angered

"You have no idea the sort of thing she did to me! She broke my bones, stabbed me, turned my eyes white and several others! No remorse for it! She deserved to be expelled!", he shouted back. Frost stood up too

"For the record, that brat is lucky we didn't kill her! She deserves to die!", she shouted at the girl. Before the blonde could retort, they all heard mocking laughter and a girl crying. They noticed a rabbit girl being harassed by four boys.

"I'll deal with this…", Y/N growled and walked up behind the boys. Just as the larger boy let go of the girl's ears, Y/N whacked him around the head with his summoned hammer. The others were shocked and the girl looked even more fearful.

"Leave her alone!", Y/N growled at them.

"Why? She's a freak!", the boy with the mohawk said with a laugh. Hearing that word sent Y/N over the edge. He grabbed the boy by the throat, threw him into the air and sent him flying through the window with a swing of his hammer. The others backed up scared and Frost arrived, freezing them in place. The two of them glared at the boy who Y/N had just hit with his hammer, sending him running, before Y/N turned his attention to the girl. She braced herself for more pain but Y/N put away his hammer and touched her shoulder. 

"Are you ok?", he asked her and she nodded.

"Th-thank you", she said and Y/N smiled.

"No problem. I'm Y/N and this is Frost. What's your name?", he asked her

"Velvet", the girl replied.

"Well Velvet, it was nice to meet you. Sorry for my use of force. Hearing people calling others freaks, it just strikes a nerve", Y/N said.

"It's ok. I don't know why they'd do that. I did nothing wrong", Velvet said.

"It's just because you're different and they're too narrow minded to see past your differences. If anything like this happens again, let me know", Y/N replied before going over to Skarlet and kissing her. The blonde seemed to have changed her attitude a lot.

"Guess I misjudged you. Sorry to hear about what Weiss did. Maybe we can put it behind us and move on?", she suggested. 

"I guess so", Y/N replied, still uncertain about her.

"Great. I'm Yang", the blonde replied

"I'm Y/N. This is Frost and Skarlet", Y/N replied.

"Well good to meet you three. Talk soon", Yang said before heading back to the others.

"She's weird…", Frost muttered. Skarlet nodded in agreement. 

"What are your plans for the two frozen boys over there?", she asked. Y/N shrugged.

"Maybe just leave them there. I don't care what happens to them", he replied before he left the hall with Frost and Skarlet following. Y/N rubbed his hands together. He had the perfect plan to ruin the SDC and he didn't care how many workers were going to be out of a job. To him, if destroying all the Schnee family held sacred improved Faunus lives and helped millions of people around the world start up businesses of their own, then so be it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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