Chapter 21: Part 1

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Kuro P.O.V.

People have always looked at me differently from when they looked at Hikaru and Kaoru. They always looked at me like they are just waiting for me to die.

My aunts and uncles.

Our cousins and family friends.

Ever since I was diagnosed a year ago, people, my family , were just waiting around until I took my last breath. But, just because I'm sick, doesn't mean I'm blind!!

I see the pitying stares or the looks of disgust I got like my leukemia was an STD, something I could prevent. The wary looks at a family function I got like my leukemia is contagious like the flu.

It's December now and I'm locked inside our room, forbidden to go outside where my brothers are playing out in the snow.

My mother refused to believe the diagnosis, so she still thinks I have chronic anemia and asthma. That's the only reason why I'm not in the hospital right now. No one ever thought I was going to make it a year because the cancer was so bad.

I love Hika and Kao a lot, but I get jealous. Jealous that they get to be normal kids. They won't have to worry about dying from a terrible illness before they actually get to live their lives.

I've decided.

I'm going to go outside and finally be a normal kid, or, at least, act like one.

I run to my brother's closet and grab a puffy, navy blue winter coat and slip it on, the coat engulfing my small frame. I put another pair of pants on over the thin ones I'm wearing and slip on two pairs of socks. I borrowed Hika's old tennis shoes and put a thick beanie on over my strawberry blonde hair. I put on a pair of gloves and then slipped my glasses onto my face.

I carefully open my first story bedroom window and get a cold rush of wind blown in my face. I giggle at the snowflakes slowly wafting into the bedroom, surely making a puddle later. I carefully climb out of the window and get and land in the soft, pure-white powder. I shiver a bit but pay no mind to it.

I slowly start to walk forward, towards the giant cherry tree in our yard where Hika & Kao are currently playing. They hear the snow crunching beneath my feet and stop building their snowman to see who it was.

As soon as they saw it was me, their faces lit up with joy and they rushed over to me and tackled me into a hug.

"KURO!!!!!!!" They shouted to me as we all giggled.

Then their faces got really concerned.

"Kuro, you shouldn't be out here! Mother will be livid!" Hikaru scolds.

"B-but I wanted to be with you ... please, I just want to play with you guys..." I pout.

They both open their mouths to reject the idea, but close them soon after.

"...Okay, but just for a little while. We can't have your 'asthma' flare up," Kaoru said.

I giggled at his sarcasm and grinned broadly at their permission.

We started working on the snowman they were building, then after we had a snowball fight and made snow angels. While we were drawing in the snow, I felt myself get more and more tired.

My bones were aching and it was getting harder to move my finger to draw. I felt a sticky substance flowing out of my nose and raised my hand to wipe the presumed snot away. When I put my hand back down, there was blood smeared on it.

I felt a tickle in the back of my throat and began coughing, watching as speckles of red dotted my snow-white hands.

By now, Hikaru and Kaoru were beside me, comforting me like they always did when I had an 'attack.'

I felt something rise to the back of my throat, wanting to come out. I hunched over and started vomiting. My brothers and I were expecting to see food and gastric juices, but what we saw was worse. Much worse...

We saw


There are more parts to this flashback. I'm really sorry this is so late. I was planning on making a long chapter but I decided against it. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I've been wanting to do this flashback for a while actually but I didn't know when it would be appropriate. I was debating for a long time but decided to just make one because I keep referring to this incident in earlier chapters and it was getting frustrating.

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