Chapter 21: Part 3

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Third Person P. O. V.

The two ambulance officers came running over and gasped at the scene in front of them. There, in front of a beautiful, snow-covered cherry tree, was a horrific sight.

A tall, thin, black-haired man was sitting on the ground in nothing but a thin sweater, a pair of jeans, and some socks, holding onto a small, pallid, crimson-covered child.

Two boys, who looked very similar to the child and each other, were sitting next to the boy, holding his hands and trying to coach his breathing.

One ambulance officer turned to the other, younger, more inexperienced one.

"Go get the oxygen tank and mask and grab the stretcher. Get some tissues while you're at it, too."

The younger one nodded and ran back to the truck to comply.

The older one made his way to the small family, kneeling next to the small, sick child.

He slid the glasses off the boys face as they would be disruptive to the oxygen mask and turned his head to the father, who had tears flowing down his rosy cheeks.

"Does he have any illnesses or conditions that we should know about?"

The man nodded, somber.

"Yes, he was diagnosed with a severe case of leukemia a year ago. My wife, Yuzuha, is in denial of the whole thing though, so she insisted that he stay home even though it was AMA. He has seizures from time to time, but the doctors said that they were a part of his condition.

H-he's never gotten this bad though, p-puking and coughing up b-blood. He was struggling to breathe, still is, and I had Hikaru, my oldest, call 119. Thank you for coming so quickly."

The officer nodded.

"How long do his seizures usually last and do you know what type they are?"

"Umm, they're usually two to three minutes and he has both absence and tonic-clonic seizures."

The younger officer came running back, holding the oxygen tank in one arm and the stretcher in the other. He sat them down and they both immediately start working on the small boy.

The older one starts putting the mask on him and attaches the end of the mask to the oxygen tank, while the younger one gets the stretcher in place and wipes away some of the blood with the tissues.

They do all of this while asking questions to the family.

"What's his name?"

"How old is he?"

"How long as he been throwing up blood?"

"His name is Kuro Hitachiin. He's eight, like his brothers...ummm...Kaoru, how long has he been throwing up?"

"A-at least t-t-ten, fif-fifteen-n m-m-min-minutes?" The boy trembles, clearly in shock from the situation.

The officers nodded and lied Kuro gently on the stretcher, keeping a firm hold of it and the oxygen mask on the boys face. The boy was still conscious at the moment, but soon wouldn't be from lack of oxygen and loss of blood.

The boy was curled up on his side, one hand on the mask to keep it in place and taking deep breaths like he was ordered to. Only, what he thought were big, deep breaths were really small, shallow breaths.

The older officer saw that the boys eyes were drooping and tried to keep him conscious by speaking to him, but to no avail. The boys eyelids fluttered shut and his head hit the stretcher with a small thud. He tried to coerce him to come to but soon gave up and turned to the worried family.

"Only one person is allowed to go into the ambulance with him. Who's it going to be? We need to go!"

Hikaru turned to Shurui.

"Dad, you should go with him."

"No, because then who will take you to the hospital?"

"Mom could take us!"

"Son, she doesn't even know about his condition! She's still in shock! She still thinks it's asthma and anemia!"

They both pause and look down, thinking about what to do.

"D-dad?" A small voice said.

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