Texte #2

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Cette fois c'est un texte trouvé sur Pinterest. Je l'ai quelque peu modifié pour qu'ils corresponde plus à mes attentes. Il signifie beaucoup pour moi...


Go to your room.
Lay on bed,
Listen music,
Close your eyes,
Put your hand on your heart,
Feel how it is bumping.
Let all your day sink into your bed.
Listen music with or without tears in your eyes.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe...
The only thought in your mind should be :
Don't cut. Don't drug. Don't everything.
What happened, happened.
Just breathe. Let it all go.
Just for now, let it all go.
Your hand. Don't put it down.
That bumping is called purpose.
You're living for some reason.
Don't think about ending your life.
You will be alright.
You will be okay. You will get through this.
I believe in you. All broken people believe in you.

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