Chapter 7

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" Wait- " 

Right now, the 2 blondes are in a weird position. Len and Rin are close to each other. Both of their foreheads are pressing on each other. And Rin is on top of Len's laps. 

" You are having a fever! " Rin exclaims as she sits on Len's laps. " GET OFF OF MY LAPS! " Len embarrassedly shouts as Rin. She nods as she climbs back to her seat. Len continuously blushes and takes a few more sips of water. 

" AHH! Your face is even redder then just now! " Rin points as Len covers his face with both of his hands. " This is because of something else... " he said weakly as he leans at the car door. 

" Are- are you ok?! " Rin worriedly looks at Len who is forcefully nodding now. She is lost in thoughts and at the next moment, she begins taping the driver's shoulders. " MR Driver! Please drive us home now! " 

" What- what are you talking about!! " Len unbelievably questions.  " You are sick! You need to go home and rest! " 

" Please just ignore what Rin said... " Len tiredly tells the driver. Rin immediately pouts. 

' Should I listen to Len-san or Rin-san?! ' the driver thinks as he suffers. 

" You were fine last time so I should be fine too... " Len sighs as he tries to convince Rin, clearly he failed. 

" NO! Len, you know that your body is much weaker than me and whenever you get sick you just get a super high fever! Also, you might get an asthma attack! " Rin busily explains as she screams. 

" Today is the final day of the concert, which means the climax of the concert! I can't just skip it! " Len exclaims as he coughs.  Rin climbs to Len's seat again as Len raises his hand, Rin is confused then she feels pain on her forehead. " OUCH! " Len flicks her forehead. 

" Calm down, I'm going to be fine so let's just finish the concert then I can rest. " Len again sighs and pushes Rin to tell her going back to her own seat. " Bu-" 

" No buts, is none of your business. " Len successfully ends the topic and crosses his arms. Rin stares at Len with her angry face and pouts, then looks away from Len. 

' Oh no... they are arguing... ' the driver thought as he continues driving his car to the concert place. 


" RIN-CHAN! " Miku rushes into Rin's room at the backstage. " Miku-ne! " She runs and hugs Rin who is in the Nitamago costume on. Miku looks around the room and looked confused. 

" What happened? " Miku curiously asked. " Where's Len-kun? " Rin slightly shocked and looks away from Miku. " I don't know... " Rin pouts. 

" Kaito-nee! Go find Len pls! " Miku yells as Kaito nods and runs to Len's room. Miku pulls Rin to the sofa, and asks again, " What happened? " 

" Nothing... " Rin looks away from Miku again, Miku giggles as she pats Rin's head, "Your eyes drift away from me whenever you lie. " Rin looks back at Miku who is smiling with an ' I know you for too long' face. Rin sighs and crosses her arms. 

" Len is having a fever... " Rin begins talking. 

" WHAT! LEN-KUN GETS A FEVER!? " Miku asks shockingly and Rin nods. 

" Yea... I know that I'm the one that makes him sick... so I tried to tell him to go home and rest... then he just uses a super bad attitude replying to me... I was just worrying and want him to rest at home... but then he- " Rin pouts and some tears are forming in her eyes. 

" Well... " Miku thinks for a second, " he probably did that to make you not worry... in a wrong way... duh he's so bad at talking to girls... " Miku giggles more as she wraps her arm around Rin's shoulders. 

" Miku-ne... " Rin looks up at her and she feels a warm hand on her face. " Don't cry, you stupid girl... " Miku smiles more, " He just didn't want you to worry and maybe he's too tired. " Miku explains and Rin nods and smiles back. 

" Now, go find Len and reconcile with him before the concert begins! " Miku orders as Rin nods and quickly runs out of the room. 

" Having siblings that always make me worry is tiring... " Miku giggles as she slowly walks to Len's room. 


" LEN-KUN! " Kaito rushes into Len's room. 

" ha... ha... " Len is on the floor having difficulty breathing and coughing. " Oh my lord Len! " Kaito immediately rushes to Len who is pointing at the table. 

" The... the... inhaler... " Len forcefully stutters as Kaito runs straightaway to the inhaler. At once, Len takes the inhaler and begins breathing with the asthma inhaler. 

After a few minutes later, Len takes away the inhaler and calms a bit. He stops the quick breathing and the intense cough. " Thanks... Kaito-nee... " 

" Dude... why the hell is you getting asthma attack all a sudden?! " Kaito nervously asks. " The 2 reasons that make you get an asthma attack is either you got panic or you... " he places his hand on Len's forehead. 

" Wai- " 

" SO HOT! I KNEW IT! " Kaito exclaims and helps Len up and brings him to the sofa. " Dude, you are having a super high fever at the moment... " 

" I realized... " Len replies tiredly. 

" Skip the concert and go home! " 

" Stop saying stupid stuff like Rin... " Len sighs and covers his face with his hand. 

" heh~ So you guys argued? " Kaito said in a singing tone. 

" How did you- " 

" Let me guess... probably Rin found out that you are sick and stuff so she tells you to go home and rest. You tell her that that's stupid so you refused. That's why the 2 of you are not chatting with each other in the same room as normal. " 

Len looked shocked at Kaito's inference. He nods and looks down at his laps, " I say stuff mean to her... I know that she's worried about me but I- " 

" Dude, you are so bad at communicating with girls you know? " Kaito laughs as Len leans onto Kaito's shoulders, closing his eyes, " Stop laughing... " 

" LEN! " Rin suddenly opens the door and rushes into the room. She ignores Kaito and runs straight to Len who is trying to understand what is going at the moment. " I'm sorry for saying stuff capricious! " Rin sudden apologize scared Len. 

" I- ... " he stops his sentence after feeling Kaito using his elbow hitting his arm. Len understands and smiles back to Kaito. " Rin... I'm sorry for saying stuff... mean... " Len's eyes drift away from Rin who begins smiling. 

" hehe, I forgive you! " Rin smirks and Len smiles back. 

" Ehhh they should be together someday... " Miku whispers as Kaito nods. 

" We should too~ " Kaito whispers back and Miku begins blushing. " BAKA! " she slaps Kaito's face and covers her face with her hands. 

" Mi-Miku... " Kaito fake cries. 


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