Chapter Fourteen: Pillow Talk and Rihanna

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Here is chapter fourteen! Hope you like it. Don't forget to comment and, if you feel so inclined, vote if you enjoyed it.

By the way, we are back to Teagan's POV.




Teagan woke up with a smile on his face.

It was a wish come true for him to be greeted by the bright morning sun after spending the night in the Ice Queen's huge, four poster bed.

Freak. Okay, so he didn't actually get to do anything besides sleep. Not that he was complaining. He wouldn't trade the hours he spent just talking and watching cheesy rom-coms on Netflix with her for anything. He'd gotten to see the real Rain Sullivan yesterday, and it had been nothing short of amazing.

Because she was amazing.

Effing smooth, Romeo. He couldn't help it. She inspired that sort of sap from him.

All joking aside though, Teagan had to admit that there was no other word to describe Rain. No other word did her justice.

She'd been attacked, and the harm to her person would have been much worse if he hadn't gotten through the door in time to beat her attacker into a bloody mess. Yet, she hadn't cried after the initial shock wore off. She hadn't done much of anything except stare at the ceiling and let him place her into the hot bath.

Something in the way Rain refused to talk about what happened had red flags going off in his head. The way Isa simply shook her head and fought off tears when he asked her to set out a towel and comfortable clothes for Rain, it wasn't normal. There was more here than just an overly aggressive visitor messing with the wrong girl.

For one, he couldn't believe that either woman had simply allowed that Jeffers fool to leave without calling the police. Despite what Rain had said, the bastard would have forced her if he hadn't been physically made to let her go. That was enough reason to lock him up.

Yeah, that's the reason.

Whatever. He knew for certain there was more. No matter, he could wait to get it out of Rain. After all, part of the challenge she presented to him was the mystery he was slowly getting to unravel the more he got to know her.

He sighed and turned to look at the sleeping woman beside him. She looked young and at peace in sleep, resembling a carefree, pretty girl rather than the rigid Ice Queen he usually got to see. He liked both, he could admit that much, but knowing there was an approachable woman who knew how to genuinely smile beneath the frosty exterior was a good thing.

She'd fallen asleep after watching a few episodes of The Vampire Diaries. For the longest time he could have sworn he had never enjoyed teen dramas about vampires and reincarnation, but after being talked into watching the show last night, Teagan realized he was down to watch anything with the Ice Queen so long as she snuggled up to him like she had before. She hadn't been concerned with keeping up appearances yesterday, and he'd gotten some new insights into what life as Rain Sullivan was really like.

Her father, the great Randolf Sullivan, did not return home until well after he and Rain had shared supper. At around eight at night, the man strode in whistling a merry tune after successfully closing a deal on a property. He hadn't even questioned the fact Teagan was there, chatting away with his daughter. Nevermind that Rain had been wearing her nightgown, a prim, pale yellow gown with a line of tiny buttons going down the front which he'd contemplated opening little by little. Her father had simply raised an eyebrow at them when he passed the family room they occupied, a slight smile on his face.

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