Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Peasant and a Drunk

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Hello, everyone. Hope you are all well and taking care. It's crazy out there.

Sorry I've been so slow with updates but I finally got a chapter down. Enjoy!



Life was good when you had someone who cared about you enough to make you feel like there was a reason you hadn't already gone to hell.

Rain Sullivan wasn't the first girl he'd spoken to. Heck, she wasn't even one of the girls he'd hooked up with yet, but she was the only one who mattered out of the long list of women he had been intimate with. He knew now that no matter how many girls he'd had in his bed and out of it, the level of intimacy they'd shared had been superficial and passing. Nothing like the connection he'd found with the Ice Queen.

Teagan smiled foolishly, the kind of sappy smile men swore they'd never wear because they'd never be anyone's clown. Obviously, they hadn't found the person who's happiness meant more to them than anything else in the world.

"Ugh!" Gavin groaned with such bold disgust, it showed on his sweaty face. "You're thinking about her again? I almost miss the old you, even if you did like to mess around with my teachers." The dimples on his cheeks flashed as the devil's minion gave him a knowing smirk. "Back then, it was just an itch so you actually had the ability to focus on being a coach."

Well, the boy had no filter. "Are you saying I'm not a good coach now?"

The fifth grader seemed to mull it over for a few minutes before he shrugged. "You are, but it's hard to look at you with that stupid look on your face."

"Excuse me?" He couldn't believe Gavin would call him stupid to his face.

"You've been smiling so much lately, I'm starting to wonder if you're trying to land a Colgate commercial."

Teagan blinked in shock. What did he say to that? "First off, I brush my teeth with Aquafresh, thank you very much." If Gavin was going to insult him, he needed to have his facts straight. "And, besides that, you were the one who told me to pursue Rain."

The boy ran a hand through his dark hair, looking sheepish. "Guess I should have kept my mouth shut, huh?" he asked, grinning mischievously. "In a couple of years, I could have been the man for her and you'd have been the best man at the wedding."

Kids these days were just so disrespectful.

"Very funny," Teagan voiced in a tone that made it clear he wasn't very amused. "You're delusional, Gavin Santos."

Gavin wiggled his eyebrows in such a way that Teagan felt himself tense in preparation. "You can keep her company for me until I'm grown enough to show her what she's missing."

"Boy, if you don't stop pushing me," Teagan bit off in warning.

"I'm not even touching you." To prove his point, Gavin backed up a few steps, his hands held palm up in front of him. "As far as I know, you're the one who likes pushing boundaries just to see how much you can get away with."

Teagan tilted his head to one side, considering. "Reminds me of you, too, young man. We seem to be one and the same."

Those evil dimples flashed again. "Guess so," the boy replied. "But I'm cuter so the ladies tend to like me more."

It was sad because it was the truth. So, no matter how much Teagan yearned to give the little guy a verbal knockdown, he couldn't do it without fooling himself.

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