Chapter 36

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Aabir's Pov:

Last few months I had an intution that someone keeping an eye on me.My intution grew stronger when I noticed a black car around me quite often.It couldn't be a coincidence having the same car around me. And then that day when Zara almost got  hit by the same car ,all my doubt got cleared.

On that day, that car deliberately tried to hit her.If I hadn't saved her in time ,then maybe....I can't even imagine the consequences.Zara thought that this incident happened because of her carelessness but I only knew the truth.

Nothing seemed clear at first, but a few certainties became evident. About three things I was absolutely positive. First,It wasn't my assumption at all. Second, the matter was related to us somehow and I didn't know how.And third, It was something dangerous.

But I couldn't understand the reason behind this attack.

Why would someone follow us?Why would someone want to harm us?

I tried to figure out the reason. I even indirectly tried to gather some information from Zara to know if she or her family had any kind of enmity with someone in India.But I found no connection or clue.

Luckily,few days later I got an opportunity . I noticed the same car following us .This time I did not let it go.I followed the car through my bike , leaving Zara alone on street though.After following so long ,I overtook the car and caught the man who was driving .It was difficult to force him to open his mouth to confess.I had to do some actions for this.And I succeed to let him confess.

I was shocked whatever he said to me.He was a paid killer.Someone paid him to kill Zara.He claimed that he didn't saw the man who was paying him as he always talked to him over phone.But the most shocking information was that he was instructed to do it whenever I would be around her.So that I could witness her...death.I didn't find any logic in this demand.Why would someone want me to witness her..death?
Before I could gather any more information from the killer,he escaped from my hand.But luckily I got his phone .I took the phone and searched it for some informations.I found our pictures in his phone gallery.He was following us quite long that for sure.The most important information was in the log history.There was a name' boss' at the top of his log history.I called at that number.After ringing twice the owner received the call.As soon as he heard my voice ,he cut the call and never picked up again.
I used my sources to gather information of the owner of that number.I was hell shocked when I got the name of the person who was the owner of that number and was the master mind .I got all of my answers.I connected all the dots.
Whatever happening with her just because of me.The main target was me.He wanted to hurt her because of me.
I wanted to keep her safe from all sorts of problems.Unknowingly I had become the reason of her problems.


Zara's Pov:

A message poped up in my mobile screen.

Message- Zara, I am outside of your house.I have something important to tell you.please come outside.

I looked out of the window.He was already standing there,leaning to his second love..his bike.My heart flattered.I couldn't help with this feeling...feeling the same release when I saw him standing there, a wide smile automatically spreading across my face.

I immediately rushed to the washroom,washed my face,then came out and stood in front of mirror to comb my hair ,to applied some powder on my face.When I was done,I came downstairs ,then tiptoed to the back door of house.
Eventtually I made out of the door.As soon as I came out,Aabir noticed me and a smile ran across his face.So even mine.

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