Chapter 2- Diary

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Chapter 2- Diary

Chance wondered how he was going to convince Pristine to doing the show. They were not exactly on the best terms. But he has to try. If he succeeds in persuading her, his mom will finally back off on all the wedding plans she's been conducting ever since they were little. 

He took a deep breath as he knocked on Pristine's room.

"Come in!" she answered and Chance immediately opened the door. He was captivated by the beauty that sat by the desk. He recognized her as Angel; the model that his friend Robbie could not stop talking about. 'But what is she doing in Pristine's room?' He wondered. His eyes moved to the clothes splattered across the floor. It was the clothes Pristine wore for dinner. It didn't take long for him to figure it out.

'No way,' he thought in disbelief. 'Is this really Pristine?'

Chance didn't know what to think or feel. But now that he looked closely, he noticed the resemblance. He felt stupid and deceived. Yet he couldn't help but smirk as he realize the power this revelation gave him. Now he had something against her.

"Hey Chance," Pristine greeted nervously.

"Hello Angel," Chance responded. He watched as a defeated look dawned onto her face. He almost felt bad for his plan to blackmail her, but he convinced himself that this is for their own good.

"Okay, you got me. But please don't tell anyone," Pristine purred seductively. She bit her lip as she slowly made her way towards him. Her hips swaying in the most enticing way. She looked like a seductive angel that could have any man begging on his knees just for a touch of heaven.

Her soft hands trailed across his broad chest, sending shivers to his spine. Chance couldn't help but groan. He closed his eyes and took deep breathes in an attempt to compose himself. 'Calm down Chance, it's just Pristine.'

Chance caught his breath as he noticed the most mesmerizing eyes staring at him.  In all the years he known Pristine, it was the first time he noticed the different shade of color in her eyes. He knew for a fact that her eyes were blue. He spent most of his childhood with her. But for some reason, right now it almost seemed purple. It made her look even more enchanting.

"I won't," Chance finally replied. He watched her lips turned up to a victorious smile. Her eyes sparkled in joy. She looked angelic. The nickname Angel really did fit her.

"As long as you agreed to do the show," he added which turned her smirk into a slight frown. Her eyebrows were scrunched together and her lips pressed on a thin line and her beautiful eyes narrowing at him. Chance knew this expression of hers all too well. It was the face she often pulled before throwing a tantrum when they were kids. He braced himself for the possible hissy fit she might throw any second now.

But it never came. Instead, Pristine let an exasperated sigh and tried to calmly argue her reason, "Chance, I can't do that. I might get caught as angel."

He knew that of course. But he needs her to do the job. This way he doesn't need to ignore her anymore and feel like a jackass for doing it. Maybe they could even go back to being friends.

"Well you already are caught. So either you do as I say, or I'll tell the whole world your secret," he threatened. Chance felt horrible. But he has no choice. This was the only out his mother offered him. 'I'm sorry Prez,' Chance mental apologized as he vowed never to hurt her again. 'This would be the last time,' he promised himself. When his mother is of off his back he will do everything in his power to make sure that he makes it up to her.

"Why do you even want me to do the show in the first place?" Pristine asked. She had every right to ask that he thought. He did stop talking to her without an explanation for years. Yet now he's blackmailing her to do a show with him.

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