Legacy, Chapter 19

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"In the meantime," Keefe said, swiping the last of the raspberry smear off of his face, "you still haven't answered the extra-super-super-important question, Foster."

"And what's that?" Sophie asked.

He motioned for her to lean in closer, like he was afraid his father might be eavesdropping.

"The question is" -his eyes locked with hers- "when are you taking me to go get some of these magical E.L. Fudge thingies? Because they're official a need, Foster. I neeeeeeeeeeeed tiny elf-shaped cookies in my life. I can't believe you've never brought me any before! In fact, I kinda feel like that's a neutral of our friendship!"

The question was so unexpected that Sophie couldn't stop a loud snort-laugh from bridging out, which of course was followed by a fit of embarrassing giggles.


"Hey, who you calling blobby?" Keefe complained, pulling back his tunic sleeves and flexing his arm muscles, which were pretty impressive- not that Sophie would ever tell him that.

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