Hope Left?!

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"Okay everyone I am going to bring in a couple people. There will be another Hope just she might look younger because in the past after her mom died she ran away for about two years. I'm pretty sure you remember this Hope so you probably know who I'm bringing. There names are Olivia, Mr and Mrs Pullman, and Auggie." I said. Hope smiled a little thinking about the family that was there for her through her worst years. I smiled at Hope and whistled causing 5 people to flash into the room. Hope, or Miranda, jumped up and looked around. Her eyes fell on her mom standing in the corner next to her dad and uncle Elijah.
"Mom?!" Hope yelled. Haley looked up at past Hope's voice and sucked in a breath when she saw past Hope crying.
"Hey baby." Haley said opening her arms. Hope raced toward her and fell into her arms.
"B-but..h-how are you here?!" Past Hope sobbed, clinging to her mom.
"A kid brought us here to watch videos of you. Technically you are from the past right now." Haley explained. Past Hope looked up at her mom with a confused look.
"I'm from the past?" Past Hope asked. Present Hope stepped forward and put a hand on past Hope's shoulder.
"Yep. I fell into this thing called malivore and got erased from everyones mind. Ellie, the girl who brought us here, wanted to give everyones memories back." Present Hope explained. Past Hope nodded her head and looked at the confused Pullman's behind her.
"Um what am I suppose to tell them?" Past Hope asked me.
"Just tell them the truth. Its better than lying to them or leaving them confused." I said. Past Hope nodded her head and walked over to the Pullman's.
"I lied to you guys. I'm sorry I really am. My names not Miranda Navas, Its Hope Mikaelson. And the people behind me are friends from school and my family." Past Hope said.
"If these people are your family then who did you stay with? I mean I saw a lady in your house a couple times while I was over but she never really said hi or anything." Olivia asked. Past Hope sighed and rubbed her head.
"The women that was there was a friend of my dads, her name was Caroline. She would check on me every once in a while to make sure I was okay. It was a couple weeks after my mom died so she knew I wasn't stable emotionally. And the house I lived in was my dads. He's kinda rich and has houses all over the place." Past Hope explained. Olivia nodded her head while Mrs. Pullman stepped forward.
"So you lived by yourself? You didn't have anyone there with you except every once in a while?" Mrs. Pullman asked. Past Hope nodded her head sheepishly and looked down.
"It was okay though. I know how to take care of myself and plus its not like anyone could break in. People in that area, well the supernaturals at least, know thats Mikaelson territory so they wouldn't come close to it." Past Hope explained.
"What do you mean by supernaturals? Supernatural creatures aren't real. They are just myths." Mr. Pullman asked. Past Hope chuckled and looked up at the Pullman family. She faultered slightly when she saw Auggie looking down with a thinking face.
"Hey Auggie are you okay?" Past Hope asked worriedly. Present Hope also looked worried. She still talked to the Pullman family every once in a while, and when she did Auggie never acted like this. Auggie gestured for past Hope to come over. Past Hope kneeled down to his level.
"What if your family doesn't like me?" Auggie asked. Every supernatural with super hearing smiled.
"He's adorable" all of them thought.
"Believe me they will like you." Past Hope said smiling. Auggie smiled and hugged past Hope. Past Hope chuckled and hugged him back. She pulled back and ruffled his hair.
"Well anyways supernaturals are real. For example my entire family are the first vampires ever created." Past Hope said. The Pullman's looked at past Hope like she's crazy. Past Hope sighed and gestured to her dad.
"Dad can you please show them?" Past Hope asked. Klaus rubbed his head sheepishly and shook his head.
"Sorry little wolf I can't. Ellie took away our supernatural abilities. But you should still have yours. Present you was literally able to throw me across the room. Even snapped my neck when I hit the floor. But anyways you should be able to show them because you will have yours powers. Oh you could also use your wolf powers." Klaus explained. Present Hope rolled her eyes and grumbled while past Hope looked at herself with big wide eyes. Present Hope looked up at her and threw her hands up.
"It was an accident! He was being a jerk and I got mad because we just watched a video and I accidently used my powers on him." Present Hope explained. Past Hope nodded her head and turned to the Pullman's. She thought about what to do for a second before turning to Ellie.
"Do you think you can bring Roman here?" Past Hope asked. I nodded my head slowly.
"I will bring him here just you aren't allowed to kill him." I said. Past Hope nodded her head and smiled. I sighed and whistled. Past Roman from right after Hope's mom died fell into the room.
"He's from right after Haley passed away." I explained. Past Hope nodded her head and started walking towards Roman. Roman looked at her terrified and tried to back away. Past Hope cast a spell and he was chained to the wall on the far side of the theater. Past Hope smiled and cast another spell that would hurt his ears. Roman tried to reach for his ears but his chained arms don't go that far. He screamed in pain while past Hope slashed claw marks over him. Past Hope smiled and said a quick I'm done before unchaining him and healing him. I smiled and flashed him out of the room. Past Hope looked at the Pullman's and saw how terrified they are. She frowned and went to walk over to her parents. Olivia saw this and ran up to past Hope and pulled her into a hug. She hugged past Hope tightly while past Hope just stood there. Past Hope smiled and wrapped her arms around Olivia and shoved her face into her shoulder. Josie noticed this and felt jealousy flow through her. Present Hope could smell the jealousy coming from her girlfriend and brought her into a hug.
"Don't worry I'm yours. Via is just my best friend. She would never replace you. I knew you way before I met her, you will always come first." Present Hope muttered into her ear. Josie nodded and then sniffed slightly. Josie pulled away and smiled at present Hope with tears in her eyes. Present Hope smiled back and grabbed her girlfriends hand.
"Okay now that that is all dealt with I have another video to show you. Hope, both Hope's, please do not throw anyone across the room." I said. They both nodded and smiled at me. I smiled back and started the video.

(After video)
"Hope you were never a mistake. If anything you were a beacon of Hope. You want to know the meaning behind your name? It means to believe even if it seems hopeless. Thats what you are. A beacon of Hope." Klaus says bringing both past and present of his daughters into a hug. They hugged him back letting tears fall from their eyes.
"Miranda? Or Hope, whatever you prefer. You know you can always come to us. We might not be your family but we sure as hell love you like a daughter." Mr. Pullman said. Past Hope smiled and hugged him. Via and Auggie pulled her too them and hugged her fiercely. Mrs. Pullman took her hand and pulled her towards her.
"You are worth everything Hope. Never forget that." Mrs. Pullman said wiping hopes tears away. Both past and present Hope looked at her family and smiled knowing she had the best family ever.

Okay so I finished this chapter really early and I'm proud I did because I always write them the day I'm suppose to post it or the day before. But guess what?! I finished this Friday night!!!! Anyways I hope you liked it and also like always I don't own legacies, the originals, the vampire diaries, and now wonder since I'm using characters from there.

Watching Legacies(COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora