Chapter Four: And So It Begins...

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|| Chapter Four ||
|| Words: 1408||
|| April 26th, 2020, Sunday ||

The therapeutic hum of the heater was the only sound present in the car other than his irregular, unexpected bursts of laughter. I peeled my reluctant eyes from the window to look at Jeff. In a bizarre way, he reminds me of Liu. Besides his sickly pale skin, shoulder-length black hair, and a scar in the shape of a smile, he has the same warm green eyes as Liu. Looking away, I shivered from the sudden cold air. Jeff groaned and hit the heater in frustration. Although Vegas is hot as Hell, it gets super cold at night. I rubbed my arms yet it didn't help my continuous shivering.
"Jesus fucking Christ," Jeff mutters, trying again to fix the heater.

"Why the hell did your piece of a shit boyfriend get such a cheap ass heater?"

I ignored his childish outburst and looked back out the window. Peering at the GPS in front of him, we were still a good 5 hours from the mystery location meaning that we'll get there at four in the morning. Laying my head on the window, I tried to rest my eyes but it was always interrupted by Jeff's constant outbursts of random laughing. I think it's out of his control, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. God, how did I come to this point? Only a few days ago I was living a normal teenage girl life, dreaming of UCLA and savoring my senior year. Now, I'm stuck in a car with a serial killer to Las—fucking—Vegas, freezing my ass off.
Rubbing my arms, I started to get colder and I started shivering even more. Jeff looked at me, smirking from my misfortune, and turned up the volume from the radio to drown out my chattering teeth. I opened the glovebox to try to find anything to keep me warm, but the only thing in there was a crumpled up piece of lined paper. Grabbing it, I started to unfold it to reveal a handwritten letter. My eyes widened as I saw that it's addressed to me, it read:

D̶e̶a̶r̶ Y/N,

If you're reading this then I most likely have already left. There's not a lot I can say about it except that I'm in Vegas and won't be able to contact you for a long time. You're probably at UCLA by the time you get this, so don't worry and enjoy college. This is the only letter that you'll get from me for a long time so I just wanted to remind you that my feelings for you won't change. I l̶i̶k̶e̶A̶d̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶m̶i̶s̶s̶ love you

                                                                      - Liu

Teardrops escaped my eyes and stained the letter. Liu. Something is going to happen in Vegas—I mean, Jeff and Liu both have something important there and I bet it's related. I folded the note and put it in my pocket.
"What's the point of this? Liu is going to find me and kill you for real this time, so why are you just setting yourself up for failure?" I grimaced, feeling the comfort of the letter against my fingertips.

"Liu has a dark side and I wanna see it in person," Jeff replied instantly, grinning like a mad man.

"Liu doesn't have a dark side, he's always sweet and gentle...but dangerous when he needs to be," I argued. Jeff began having even more outbursts of laughter, trying to muffle it to no avail.

"He's always sweet and gentle," Jeff mocked, laughing, "God damn, he picked a funny one! My brother is definitely not 'sweet and gentle', which may have been my fault for bringing out Sully."
My eyes widened at him, feeling my heart skip multiple beats. "Brother"...they're...related? I hate to say it, but it really does makes sense.

"Don't tell me Liu didn't tell you that I'm his brother, that's hilarious," Jeff chuckled, bringing a cigarette to his chapped lips.

"Light it for me, will ya?" Jeff asked, motioning to the lighter by my arm. I paused, but I eventually brought the lighter to his lips while flashbacks of him kissing me flooded through my mind making me shutter. Once it was lit, I quickly retreated my shaking hand.

"Sully...who is that?" I inquired.

"You'll see, princess, you'll see."

I glared at him from the degrading nickname and looked out the window, trying my hardest to ignore him.
—————————|| time skip ||————————

Eyes feeling heavy, I slowly gained consciousness. My head was aching and I feel like somebody is carrying me. My blurry vision could barely make anything out and the sounds around me were loud but muffled. I leaned my head back, barely make out a blurry face of a man carrying me. It wasn't Jeff but someone I've never met. They looked down at me and said something that I couldn't hear. From what I can see, they had yellow-tinted goggles, a mask that covered the top portion of their face, and a hood with fluffy brown hair peeking through. I could feel the cold air around me but the man's chest was warm and humble, smelling of a slight tinge of tobacco and maple syrup.
My senses gradually came back to me once he sat me down in what looked like to be an empty bar. I sat up, holding my head which felt wet, like blood. I flinched back when he shone a flashlight in my eyes.

"Stay still and follow the light with your eyes, please, I'm not getting paid enough for this," the man mumbled, shining the light to the left and to the right. He gave me a damp towel and placed his phone back into his pocket.

"Who...are you? Why is my head bleeding?" I asked, placing the towel on my bleeding head.

The dingy bar was completely quiet except for the muffled music outside. From the windows, I could see Vegas still awake and lively with people walking in the streets. The man poured himself some alcohol and downed it in one drink.
"I'm Toby, but apparently Jeff wants me to play babysitter until he gets back from the casino for 'business'. Oh, about your wouldn't stop screaming—and screaming like that in Vegas made it seem like I was doing something to you. So, as bad as this sounds, I had to knock you out," Toby sighs, leaning against a bar stool. Babysitting? I'm not a child, who does Jeff think he is? Toby took off his mask and goggles to reveal, surprisingly, a normal face. After Jeff, I just assumed he would look like a crackhead—but he's actually pretty attractive. I wonder how he ended up here: taking orders by Jeff in Las Vegas.

The door then opened with two men rushing in, one with a brown leather jacket and the other with a yellow hoodie. The one with the leather jacket looked at us and immediately punched Toby in his jaw, making him fall to the floor. He continued to punch him ruthlessly without the other man doing anything about it.

"He can't feel pain, dumbass, there's nothing we can do about it now," the man behind him calmly stated, crossing his arms.
The man finally got off of Toby with me covering my mouth, shocked from what had just happened. The man looked at me, hands bloody from punching Toby, and offered a handshake to me.

"Tim," He stated. I hesitantly gave him my hand which he squeezed in the awkward handshake, smearing blood on my knuckles.

Toby sneered at the two men, pushing himself off of the ground.

"Tim, Brian, what the hell? I didn't drive my ass here for 12 hours and do Jeff's dirty work to be punched in the face," Toby growled, throwing the glass of half-full alcohol to the ground.

Brian took out a portfolio from his bag and shoved it into Toby's arms. I went to Toby's side and saw what he was staring at. As soon as my eyes gazed upon the picture, I fell to the ground into a coughing fit until I coughed up blood. I could hear arguing around me and Toby was attempting to help me, but I felt like I was dying—coughing up any life that was inside of me.
However, there was one thing that was clear to hear:


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