Chapter Eighteen: Familiar

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|| Chapter Eighteen ||
|| Words: 1354 ||
|| June 17th, 2020, Wednesday ||

It's been roughly four weeks and I'm still at the headquarters, which has me being extra unproductive. I don't really see Jeff as much as I did before either. Anyways, Adele came back, we spoke for a bit but she had to leave for the province of Hearts, to maintain the relationship of the Heart and Spade families. Turns out, she got out of the train much earlier than everyone else and stayed for a bit tending to Hilton and Jeff's wounds. Anyway, Jeff and I are still not on good terms which led to him spending more time with Cassie and me spending myself. That changes today, though, Otis has already met with connections within the headquarters and they'll get back to us soon. Until we get the final answer, I'm hanging out with Otis.
Jeff has given me his opinionated view on Otis and I chose not to take it. If Jeff gets to hang out with Cassie, why can't I hang out with Otis? I know the answer to my own question: I don't know him and he already proved himself dangerous by being here.

Before I could go deeper into thought, two knocks emerged from my door.
"Come in," I called out, trying to finish tying my shoes. I looked up, expecting Otis, but Jeff's face was in front of me instead.

"You shouldn't tell people to 'come in' when you don't know who's at other side of the door—which should be locked by the way," Jeff nagged.
I tend to forget that he cares, probably because he typically takes it to the extremes.

I stayed silent, keeping my eye contact distant from his burning gaze. I heard him sigh and start to turn around, yet he stopped.
"I was just going to tell you that...they're giving us an apartment within the province for free in return for me sticking with their program," Jeff says, in a calmer tone.

"A 'program', sounds sketchy. I'm not crazy about it," I say, looking up at him.

"Sketchy? You're telling me about sketchy? Right, since we're on the subject of sketchiness, how's your little date with Otis going to go?" Jeff scoffed with a sarcastic beam, making his smile-like scars lift higher.

"Jealousy isn't a good look for you," I mutter with instant regret.

"Jealous? If anyone's jealous it's you. I've seen the way you look at Cassie," Jeff chuckles, folding his arms.
He's not wrong: I am jealous of Cassie to the point where it hurts. Cassie and Jeff just...go so well together while our own compatibility is that of cats and dogs. No, much worse, it's more of predator-prey compatibility, like a cat and a mouse. It's fucked.

I narrowed my eyes and walked past him, slamming my door on the way out, cursing him underneath my breath. As soon as I heard the slam behind me, I then ran into someone, making me fall to the ground. I held my head and looked up at a figure above me. They were wearing a business suit, like the uniformed ones that only Club members wear here, but I couldn't get a clear view of their face.
They quickly ran off without a second thought, leaving me on the ground. Weird, but not the weirdest thing I've encountered. Before I could have the thought of getting back to my feet, a hand was reached out to me. I took it and looked up to see Otis, his attire different from his usual. Not to say it was bad, but the "red paint" splatters were a little distracting. Now, he's wearing a black turtle neck and high waisted, vintage jeans with paint swatches on them. He looks nice, but I still expressed a certain sketchiness that Jeff was whining about.

He pulled me to my feet and we stared at each other for a bit. I quickly took my hands out of his grasp and pulled down my dress, which was given to me as a gift directly from Clara. It was more for conformity than her own generosity since before I was wearing a sundress given to me by Hilton, which was from Spade's mansion. It makes sense why she would want me to change.
"Right...breakfast is on me. I'm assuming you're a little short on money," Otis says, leading me down the hallway. I laughed awkwardly and nodded.

We passed the maintenance crew still working on the elevator and took the stairs, our footsteps echoing loudly and the sounds of our breaths being the only other sound. I let out a breath of relief as we finally got to the lobby, surprisingly vacant other than a few strangers alone at booths. There was one guy drinking heavily at the bar, even though it's not even past noon.
"Oh, him," Otis says looking at the man at the bar, "he just arrived a couple of weeks ago. I knew him since he was fifteen, which is when he first started working from programs here. He only comes here after he finishes his cases to check-in. Lots of people here are like that here, day drinking themselves to death."

Another reason why I'm not supportive of these programs. However, it does give us a rent-free place to stay, but I'm still skeptical. He led me past the guy at the bar, which I caught a small glimpse of him, and sat me down at a booth away from him, but still in my line of sight.
The guy had his head down but I recognized him as the guy who knocked me over. Was he in a get drunk? I get escapism but this is just depressing.

Otis slid the menu towards me. I haven't heard of half of this stuff. Otis began typing his order into the tablet on the table and turned it to me. I chuckled a little since all he's getting is a black coffee. I never took him for that kind of guy, I'm not sure, he just seems like he has a sweet tooth. I typed in my order: a panini and an iced coffee.
I found myself still looking at the guy at the bar. I wonder if he's spending all of his money on drinks instead of meals...I feel bad. I typed in a typical American breakfast, hoping that he would accept it, and confirmed our orders.

The fishtanks illuminating the room only gave me so much light to try and get some facial features out of this stranger. I'm not sure why I'm so obsessed with this guy.
"Y/N," Otis says, snapping me back into reality, "I talked to Clara and to some connections. I hope I didn't step over the line but I got you an interview. They know it's from someone in the Club provinces so you definitely have an advantage. However, this company is cut-throat to get into due to its high pay and ability to work from home. I'm taking you out today for...'practice' I guess."

"Uh oh," I chuckle, "I don't like the way you said 'practice'."
Soon after, a waiter came with our food.

"Could you give that plate to that man over there?" I asked him while pointing to the plate. The waiter nodded slightly and took the plate to the man, as I watched silently. I saw the waiter speak to the man and point to me. I took a sip of my iced coffee and looked back at Otis.

"Such a good Samaritan," Otis teased, taking bites from my plate, "I just can't believe you wasted my money on Liu."

I looked confused at him then I looked back at the man, who was staring back at me with the same shocked expression as me. Liu. I can't keep doing this. Apparently, we were meant to be here together. However, I've already had closure and I can't afford to mess that up. As much as I had missed Liu, right now, he's nothing but an old memory.

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