Forsaken Gold

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Unraveled from the phrase, the word,
the dark -
Gravity unclenched his hooked fingers -
all the ropey entrails cinched painfully tight
as the Earth coughs everything 
from the surface. 
All things great and small 
Lolled and listed feet off the ground
in sickening buoyancy.
Backlit imagery inundated everything,
leafless trees in selfies; surges crackled
lightning forked from the exit wounds
beside the crimson streamers, rivulets
etching out channels into black paradise; 
devoid of literal meaning,  empty 
beneath the dermis of the wind
laughter can be heard like nails
carving jocund chalk outlines
where we find our place, thereafter,
where once the golden rays  trumpet blasts,
and pristine clouds underfoot are charred 
and  laid to rest in convected polypropylene parapets fortified by moats of swirling detritus. 
Centered left, pernicious gates, cross beared are flanked by eternal methane flame

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