Cold Regret

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I woke suddenly, cold and wet, 
affrighted; shocked to find 
I was surrounded by large wolves 
ravenously emptying 
the guts of a couple of dead things
that flanked me. 
Their pointed snouts churned and curled 
probing the viscera and pinching 
at hunks of perforated flesh. 
At once and simultaneously 
they were facing me, snarling.
I wiped snow from my face and hands.
I couldn't remember going outside -
Their eyes glowed gold beneath 
the silver eye. I tried to move,  
but the covers were stiff with ice. 
Everything in the room looked dead white, glazed over. 
The spectral hue enlivened the fat flakes 
that danced whimsically in the icy drafts
as the skeletal limbs of the trees scratched and clacked either side
of the singular pane.
I heard the faint echo of my own breath catch-
the wolves were closer now, gore
dripped from their bared teeth, infernal sneer.
What had I done? What could I do?
Any movement no matter how slight
and they'd be upon me. 
I heard the rattle of the knob, 
the door scraping snow and
I turned to look...

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