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the vibes were all the way off

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the vibes were all the way off. edye of course knew that when she stepped in the party. the fact that she thought she spotted estee and her friends, confirmed it for her that she really wanted to get out of here.

unfortunately, she didn't want to be the party pooper for her friends so she kept quiet. lately she'd been saying things that she probably shouldn't have so she wasn't going to make it any worse.

but after a while, edye was starting to get overwhelmed. for some reason, even the marijuana in her system was making her more anxious. she hated this feeling. it always felt like something bad would happen next and she'd have no control.

estee's party really fucked her up and that's exactly what this felt like. deja vü maybe? she wasn't really sure but it wasn't fair that she couldn't enjoy herself at a random house party. "i'll be back." edye abruptly stood from the table, heading to the nearest bathroom. her heart was racing and her head was spinning. she didn't want anyone to see her like this.

edye lost count of how many drinks she had after four. her mind was a haze and her emotions were splattered. one minute she wanted to cry and the next she was laughing uncontrollably.

it was then she found herself regretting this situation as she almost felt scared. not knowing when this feeling was going to end was driving her crazy.

wynter took notice of the way edye was just acting. "hey, she didn't look too good." wynter raised her voice over the loud bass in the house and she leaned into ray next to her.

ray shrugged, blowing smoke out of his mouth as he was leaned back in his chair. "she's just high."

"nah, it wasn't that." she shook her head, until it was truly bothering her that edye did not look okay. she knew the signs. "i'm gonna go check on her."

on her way, she noticed fourthgrade looking bored out of his mind for once and if the situation was as bad as she thought, she'd make the right decision. "come with me? i think something's wrong with edye."

wynter and fourthgrade made their way through the crowded house and into the hallway. wynter knocked on the bathroom door, awaiting a response from edye. her and fourthgrade stared at each other expectingly as they waited but after a few seconds they didn't get any response. so using the bobby pin in her hair, wynter effortlessly picked the lock.

wynter finally got the door open and that's when the two teens saw that edye was on the floor crying with her head down between her knees. "oh shit. edye?" fourthgrade rushed by her side.

wynter dropped to her knees to help edye who was trembling with sweat and tears. despite how edye felt about her she wouldn't ever hesitate to help her. "hey, relax. just breathe, in and out." she knew how to help as much as she could in situations like this but it was mainly up to edye to pull herself out.

fourthgrade held her hand, not really knowing what to do but he also wouldn't leave her side.

"edye, just breathe. we're here for you, okay?" wynter rubbed her back before looking up at fourthgrade. "i think she needs air."

he nodded in agreement, slipping his arms under edye's body and lifting her up in the process to carry her out of the house.

ray was messing around with ruben, stevie, and fuckshit when he noticed his three friends heading out the door. he halted his movements with his free hand nudging fuckshit. "bro, is that edye?"

fuckshit then noticed fourthgrade carrying her outside and it was all a blur for him. that was all he had to see before he was flying out the door with the boys behind him. "yo, what the fuck is going on?" he ran up to where they sat at the curb of the road, calming edye down.

"she's fine, she's just panicking." wynter said calmly so they wouldn't make edye anymore scared. it could be easy for edye to rely on the emotions around her at this time.

fuckshit sat behind her, pulling her into him while wiping her tears away. ray paced back and forth a few feet away, knowing they shouldn't have brought edye here anyway especially around liquor. that one night hurt him a lot more than he admitted.

after a few minutes passed, edye had calmed down to the point where she could process what was going on. she didn't realize she was outside of the house honestly as everything was coming back to her.

"man, i'm really glad you're okay. we should get you home." wynter spoke, rubbing edye's shoulder. ray nodded, grabbing the keys from fuckshit who was more worried about edye.

that's when it hit edye and she realized what just happened. she panicked and wynter was the one there for her. wynter helped her when she needed help the most. but why?

✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩
don't hate me but i planned this story to stop at chapter 25, if y'all want more i'll deliver & gladly keep writing more chapters :)

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