Chapter 35: Scared

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I clutch Ross's flannel tight to my chest; struggling to support my weight as I stand. A mix of moans and grunts escape my lips; an intense, sharp pain shoots through my hip at every motion.
Pressing my hand tight against my mouth, I muffle the pained noises as I grab my phone from its place on the sidewalk before beginning my walk home.
Clicking the home button, I find 18 missed calls from Ross, along with 73 text messages from him and the others.
It's at that moment I come to the realization I can't tell Ross about what happened. He cares too much about me, and it will tear him apart if he knows someone has hurt me. He won't sleep until he finds them. Even if he gets hurt along the way, he won't care. I love him too much to let him do it. It will be hard, but I will just keep my distance from him until my bruises fade.
As if on cue, Ross' name lights up my phone screen.
"Hello?" I ask softly.
"Oh thank God!" He breathes. "Why didn't you come over? I got worried, and when I called Emily, she said you never made it to her place. When I called and you didn't answer, I panicked. If you were hurt... I really don't know what I would do."
"I'm sorry, Ross." My voice falters, but I force myself to continue. "I should have called."
"Are you alright? Where are you?"
"I am at my house. I'm feeling really tired. I guess I'm just messed up because of the time difference," I lie. "Don't worry, it should be fine once I sleep."
"Do you want me to come over?" He questions. "We can watch a movie."
"No!" I say, a little too urgently.
"Why not?"
"It's really late, you need to sleep and so do I. I... I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"I love you," he murmurs.
"I love you too."
Tears stream down my face as I end the call. A sick feeling settles in my stomach at the realization I have just lied to Ross for the first time. As much as it hurts, it's a lot less painful that would have come if I had told him the truth.
I slip through my door, stealthy making my way to my bedroom. I curl up on my bed, tears immediately soaking my pillow. I don't bother inspecting the damage on my face. It's bad, and I know that already. I just hope I can find a way to hide it from the people I love.


I am drawn from a restless sleep far too early by the wringing of my phone.
"Hello?" I mumble groggily.
"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Ross says, his deep laugh sounding through the receiver.
"Why are you calling so early?" I mumble.
"Babe, it's almost 2pm," he points out, an amused laugh laced within his voice.
I moan loudly in reply, allowing my face to fall into my pillow.
"Can you come over at 6?" Ross asks.
"Why?" As much as I want to see him, there is no way I can hide this. It's too soon.
"Because I'm making you dinner," he says. "Well me, Mom, Riker, and Rydel are cooking, and you, Emily, and Jordan are coming over for a triple date."
"Babe, that sounds amazing, but I still don't feel that great," I explain, my gut churning over the second lie I have told Ross.
"It's okay," he reassures me, though disappointment hangs in his voice. "I will come to you, then. We can watch movies now."
"You don't have to do that."
"I know," he replies. "I want to."
"You know what, I think I will come to dinner. I'm feeling a lot better. I'll see you at 6. I love you."
He seems stunned at my sudden change in attitude, but I know there is no way of getting out of seeing him. At least at his house, I can leave when I want.
Without waiting for his reply, I hang up the phone and fall back into bed, wondering how on earth I can get through this dinner.


Ross' PoV

My mothers beautiful laugh rings through the kitchen as Riker and I enter in our matching "Kiss Me I'm In The Band" aprons and floppy chef hats.
"You are both adorable," she grins.
"Can we just get started?" Rydel snaps.
Mom walks over, wrapping an arm around Rydel's shoulders. She leans in and whispers reassuring words; no doubt telling Delly how she can do it.
Personally, I am surprised how well Mom has handled the whole pregnancy think. We all expected her to blow up, but she has been really supportive. It's obvious she would rather the father be anybody but Jordan, but she keeps that opinion to herself.
About an two hours later, things seem to be running smoothly. Rydel works with our mom to prepare the main course. When the two of them cook together, they work harmonically and efficiently.
Riker and I, on the other hand, aren't as experienced. Both of our cheeks are smeared with flour, chocolate batter sticking in the ends of our hair. Despite all of the fun we've had, the cake is turning out quite nicely. We both pipe coloured frosting onto the dessert, and as it turns out, we are artists in more than just music.
I don't think I've ever been this excited to see Marriya before. I can't wait to show her all that we've worked on today. Even if she smiles just one time, all of the effort put in today will be worth it.

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