Chapter 1

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Hi! So im just letting everyone know my spelling is defiantly not on point in this and comments and suggestions are appreciated! Send some comments if you want me to make you a charecter in the story! Especially i you actually go to warwick! Enjoy the chapter!

I knew i was going to have to enter the school eventually. However the heat of my brothers car was so nice compared to the pouring rain outside the vehicle. "You know you have to go in sometime Lucy" he said as he shot me a glair that showed he was running late for work. Another day in hell i muttered under the sound of the car door slamming behind me. It didn't even matter that i was a junior this year first days are most commonly the worst. As i walked in through the high school doors i was met with the blaring voices of everyone around me in the lobby. "Ugh" i sighed. Another day of this shit. I put my earbuds in and blared my music at full volume. As i weaved through the crowds to get to mr. Sherman's room a familiar face greets me with her usual "good morning!" And a cheery face. Her name was wren and she was in my art class later in the day. She alwase seemed to be nice to me but she also intimidated me due to her apperance. Not in the scary way, she was just a lot prettier than me. Her looks were average just like mine but she just looked so well put together. Her brightly colored bando under a white mesh shirt. Meanwhile I'm standing looking like a zombie with my hair in a messy bun, skinny jeans and an old raggedy pink floyd t shirt. I gave her a small smile and continue to class walking a bit slower so i could fall into step with her. She goes on telling me about how mr. Caretcia had to change her schedule because she didn't have french on it. She brightly smiles as she gets over excited about some health teacher who is supposedly gorgeous. She said she hadn't had him yet but had him 3rd period. Mr. Jacobsen i think the name was. She scurried off to the pits a few feet later as i departed to schermans room. I was familiar with his room because the previous year i had failed his class with a 42 average. I wish i could pretend to be a badass and say i skipped his class but no. I went every day. I unfortunately don't do well at math but i do excel at procrastination. Not a good combination if you didn't know. As i entered the class i most dreaded he greeted me with a smile and directed me to the chair third row back closest to his desk. Maybe this was because i spoke out too often or because he knew i wouldn't actually do work in his class. As the second bell rang i saw all the little sophomores enter the room looking confused and unsure of where they had to sit. Sherman gave the same exact intro to the class as he did last year. However this time he changed the jokes he threw in. Something regarding Miley Cirus and twerking. I passed the time by quickly placing my earbuds in and playing some arctic monkeys. When the bell rang i swiftly left the room soon realizing i had absolutely no idea what was next on my schedule. I quickly glanced down at the wrinkled paper in my hand. Period two: health with Mr. Jacobsen. I suppose now i get to figure out what wren was talking about.

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