Chapter 4 |new friendship?|

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She is so gorgeous. She has brown silky hair, and beautiful brown eyes. She is reading a book while me and Jasper walk over to the table. I look at the book and see that she is reading a book called "Looking for Alaska". I look at her face and see her will a smile on her face. I could help but smile back. As we got closer I smelt mangos and peaches, it was her. It was such unique smell for someone to smell like, but that's what made her that much more amazing. I look over at Jasper and see he also looking at her with a smile. We finally get the and sit down.
She hasn't seemed to notice us yet. We sit there for 2 minutes and I finally get the courage to talk to her.
A=Alice  J=Jasper  M=Madison

A: "Hey"
*Madison jumps a little and looks up to see 2 beautiful people sitting in front of her. She blushes a deep shade of red. She sets her book down onto the table*

M: "Hi. Sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Madison Swan"

*Jasper and Alice smile*

A: "It's nice to meet you Madison. My name is Alice Cullen and this is my boyfriend Jasper Hale"

*Alice says while hugging Jasper's arm. Jasper does a small wave toward the black haired girl*

M: "it's nice to meet you guys too."

A: "so where are you from?"

M: "I'm actually from Forks but I just moved back from Los Angeles."

J: "If you don't mind me asking, why did you move back?"

*Madison smiled*

M: "No I don't mind. I moved back because I missed my dad. I lived in LA for 2 years, and I haven't seen my dad sense. I just never could get away from my job to come visit before this"

A: "That's a long time without seeing him. Why were you living in LA?"

M: "Well I was going to a high level high school academy. I got recruited to go there a few weeks into my freshman year. I was just going to go for a year but I really loved going there and I had a really amazing job so I started for another year. But I was able to take a year of school there and come back and see my dad and do high school here. I can also still do my job but I have to go to Seattle to do it."

A: "that's really cool."

J: "you must be very smart"

M: "I technically could graduate right now but I still want to experience high school, so they just had me skip a year and have me doing most of my classes in AP."

Me, Jasper and Madison talked a little bit more. Then the teacher told us we had a project to do in our groups, and we had to do some of it outside of school. After the teacher explain what to do, they told the students to talk about it in there groups. We talked about what we were going to do. We had to do something about the civil war. Madison was really excited. It was so cute. We asked her if she want to come over to our place after school to work on it and she agreed. Me and Jasper were so happy. For the rest of the period we talked about random things, it was amazing. She is amazing. She is so sweet, kind, funny, brave and so much more. I can't wait for us to get closer and become best friends, hopefully then we can become more than that. We were already starting to become fast friends. I have never seen Jasper smile so much at school. Him smiling made me happy, I was also happy because I was sitting with both my mates.

Little Star Twilight / Wolf pack/ Volturi fanfic {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now