Chapter 18

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 3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

Madison woke up the next morning, she looked around and realized she was in Carlisle home hospital room.
She was confused as to why tell her memories from yesterday came back, after Carlisle brought her in here he gave her meds to help the pain but before they kicked in she passed out from the pain.

She sat up and took the oxygen mask off. As soon as her feet touched the ground the door opened and in came Carlisle. He smiled when he saw me and ran up to her and hugged her.

Carlisle: I'm so glad you are okay

Madison: I am too daddy.

He pulled away and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Carlisle: come on, you're other daddy's and mommy's want to see you.

Madison: otay

They held hands and walked down the stairs to the living room. Madison chest still her but not as bad as it has been.

When they walked down all eyes were on them. They all stood up and made there way toward her. They hugged and kissed her.

Alice, Rosalie, Esme, Leah and Emily walked up stairs with Madison to get her changed.

The boys stayed in the living trying to come up with a plan to find Madison's other mates.

Upstairs Emily and Leah were getting Madison a bath. She was in little space age 5. Once the got the tube full the got her in and put a bath bomb in. She looked at it in awe.

While Leah and Emily were helping Madison with her bath, Rosalie and Alice and Esme were picking out Madison's clothes for the day. She had clothes at the Cullens and at the pack house for when she stays over.

When Madison came back into her room she was wrapped in a fluffy blue towel. When they looked at her she blushed a deep red. They should her the clothes they picked out. She smiled. They asked her if she wanted help changing and she said yes so all of them helped her. Emily then brushed Madison's hair.

When they were done they walk back down stairs. The guys looked up and smiled at there princess.

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Little Star Twilight / Wolf pack/ Volturi fanfic {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now