Chapter 32 • Help

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"Lemme check first . . . nope. He's still asleep so let's be quiet, okay? Let's come back inside now. Good girl. Are you hungry? C'mon then, I'll get you something to eat."

Even in my sleepy state, a smile pulls at the corners of my mouth and I reach up to rub the sleep from my eyes. The aroma of fresh coffee hits me and I inhale a deep breath, stretching my arms above my head and my legs straight out with my feet hanging off the bed and I let the breath out as my muscles relax.

"Here's some water. Bon appétit. Remember let's be quiet, okay?"

Her voice sounds soft and kind and I can tell she's smiling at my Maggie which melts my heart. Another yawn escapes me and I make sure I have enough room before rolling onto my side towards the kitchenette where I know she is and I prop my head up with my hand.

"Good morning, JJ."

"Oh good morning, Harry. Did I wake you?"

"No, not at all," I fib with a smile and I feel the bed dip lower. Her hand gently cups my cheek and I lean into her touch, puckering my lips to silently request a kiss and she kisses me. "So what time did you get up?"

"Not too long ago actually. I needed a wee and figured Maggie did, too, so I took her O-U-T. Oh and I made coffee."

"I'm just in awe. You're incredible. You know that?"

She lets out a breathy laugh, "I wouldn't say that, but thank you for the compliment."

"You're welcome, love. Now, if you'll excuse me for a bit, I'm gonna use the loo. You and Maggie aren't the only ones who need a morning wee."

"Oh of course, yeah. I'll wait here. I guess I didn't need to say that last part."

Her nervous giggle makes me smile and I reluctantly push the covers off to get out of bed. I reach out for my nightstand and I lose my balance, causing me to fall off the bed and I land on the hard floor with a thud.

"Oh my God!" The sound of JJ's rushed footsteps lets me know she's coming around. "Let me help."

"No, I've got it," I curtly say, placing my hand on the edge of the bed and I pull myself up to sit down.

"But are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just forgot we slept on the sofa bed. My nightstand wasn't there and I got disoriented is all. M'fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I said I'm fine." In the quietness of the room, I can hear how harsh my tone sounded and I'm too embarrassed to address it right now. "Maggie, come here," I command and the sound of her paws on the flooring lets me know she's coming over and I hold out my hand for her. She nudges her nose under my palm and I pet her head down to the harness. "Take me to the loo."

My steps are rushed since I really have to go now, especially after falling off the goddamn bed like an idiot in front of my girlfriend, and I wish I could disappear into thin air.

Maggie stops me from walking and I feel around for the handle to open the door. I command for her to stay while stepping inside and I close the door behind me. Using the edge of the countertop as a guide, I walk over to the toilet and hurriedly drop my pyjama trousers and knickers.

The relief isn't that enjoyable because I feel awful for how I responded to JJ. I know I have to apologize to her as soon as I get back out there, and that's if she hasn't left, which I wouldn't blame her in the least if she decided to leave without letting me know.

After I situate myself back in my trousers, I flush the toilet and walk over to the sink to wash my hands. Each second that passes feels like an hour even though I'm hurrying and with my hands dried now, I feel around for the shelf that I keep my lounging clothes on.

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