[11] spell books and the night children

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After the wedding's abrupt end and the revelation that Camille owned the Book of the White, Rowena had kept herself busy wandering around the institute but ultimately decided on going outside because of all of the hustle and bustle inside. Shadowhunters were a bit too serious for Rowena's taste, even if the ones she had associated with were extreme rule breakers. She sat on the steps to the entrance, just twiddling her thumbs and waiting for her new found friends to be ready to leave to find Camille before her daydreaming was interrupted.

Simon exited the Institute after offering to set up a meeting with Raphael to get Camille to help them when he saw Rowena sat on her own, "Bit too crazy in there?" He asked, causing Rowena's head to jerk towards him at the sound of his voice.

Rowena smiled and nodded, "Yep, there's just too much brooding and angst for me." Simon laughed at the girl's comment and sat beside her.

"Are you going to continue to help Clary and the others, or are you going home?" He asked.

Rowena pondered the question for a moment, she didn't exactly have a home. Like Magnus, she lived wherever she liked as over her many centuries she had built up a wealth like no other but she had never settled on one place before. "I guess I'm probably staying, at least until Jocelyn wakes up and Valentine is dealt with. I've never really had a home before or any real friends, except Magnus and Ragnor. Maybe this crazy place could end up being exactly what I've been looking for."

Simon smiled at her comment, "Well, not to influence your decision or anything, but I think Clary would really like it if you stuck around..." He said, pausing for a moment before continuing, "And I would too. Maybe you could be my guide to all things immortality." The two shared a laugh before Simon excused himself to the DuMort and Rowena went back inside the Institute to discover that Lydia was in the Infirmary.

Rowena immediately went to find Lydia, and found Magnus treating her. "She going to be okay?"

Magnus turned his head slightly to see Rowena walking over to Lydia's bed, "She'll be fine, Sunshine. I just want to know who did this to her and how. It's a good thing Alec and the others are looking into it."

"Speaking of Alec," Rowena started, "How's that going?" She asked with a goofy grin on her face.

Magnus sighed but mimicked Rowena's grin, "Good, but his parents aren't exactly jumping for joy."

"Didn't think they would be." Rowena mumbled, knowing Magnus could hear her, "But I kind of have an in with Maryse, maybe I should try singing your praises to her. You know," She bumped his side, "Put in a good word."

Magnus chuckled at his friend and gave her a short hug, "Thank you, Sunshine. That would be great." Rowena smiled at Magnus' words and was about to respond but Izzy interrupted.

"Hey, Clary and I are going to the DuMort. Coming, Rowena?" She asked.

Rowena nodded, "Course I am." She replied. Izzy took the response and left. "Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone." Rowena smiled at Magnus, who laughed at her, and left the room.


Rowena followed Clary and Izzy into the DuMort, standing behind them as they came face to face with Raphael, Simon and some other vampires.

"For Shadowhunters, you don't seem to do a lot of shadowhunting." Raphael stated, clearly annoyed at the intrusion.

Izzy sighed and nodded her head to the side, "There's more to the job than killing demons."

"Yeah, and I'm not a Shadowhunter. Just a friend asking for help from another friend." Rowena smiled at Raphael; someone she had known for a while and was quite good at talking around.

Clary intervened in the staring contest between the vampire and the girl. "We need to talk to Camille. We know you have her here. We tracked her to the DuMort."

"It's true, but I'm afraid she's a bit tied up at the moment. Is there something I can help you with?" Raphael asked, seeming extremely uninterested in actually helping, Rowena thought.

Before either of the girls could respond, Simon interrupted, "Just a second." He started before pulling Raphael away from the girls, "Look, I know this sounds crazy, but we have to let them talk to Camille. She has a spell book that could wake up Jocelyn Fairchild. Valentine might have the Cup. The entire Downworld's in danger."

Raphael's face contorted as he considered Simon's words until he started to shake his head, "She's far too dangerous. Or did you already forget what happened last time you "talked" to her?"

"It's not like she can kill me again." Simon defended.

"You said it yourself: if Valentine has the Cup, the entire Downworld is at risk. Camille will only make things worse." Raphael responded, turning on his heel to face the girls, "I'll bring you what's left of Camille's things, but speaking to her is out of the question." He said, adamant in his decision.

Clary scoffed, "Her things? This isn't the kind of book she would've just left sitting around."

Simon looked down, obviously disappointed in Raphael's words, "I'm sorry," Raphael started, "but that's the best I can do."

Clary took a small step forward, crossing her arms as she moved, "We're supposed to be allies."

"We are," Raphael said, cutting Clary off, "But Shadowhunters have no business interfering with the Night Children's affairs. You may look to the Clave for justice, but the vampires look to me. Camille stays where she is."

Clary got slightly closer to Raphael, "You're making a huge mistake."


Rowena followed Raphael into a dark room filled with antiques and books and other things covered in dust and cobwebs, "So these are all of Camille's things?" She asked.

"All I could find. But she has hideouts all over the city." Raphael replied.

Rowena ran her finger over an old chandelier, "Interesting."

Raphael's eyes followed as Rowena slowly walked around the room admiring some of the things Camille had kept. "So, Rowena, where have you been the last thirty years? You helped Magnus help me then you were just gone. Magnus said you just do that every now and then but I would like an explanation."

Rowena smiled, "You can't keep a girl in one place for too long, Raph. She'll get bored." Raphael scoffed causing Rowena to chuckle, "I like adventure, Raph. I like to explore. I've been almost everywhere, I know, but places keep changing. Cultures evolve. It's interesting... Plus, I have friends all over the world, not just Magnus."

"I thought you were looking for a spellbook." Raphael reminded, noticing Rowena's lack of seeking.

Rowena looked down at a few old books, "We are."

"We." Raphael repeated, his temper rising, "Where are your friends?"

A/N: Hope you enjoy! I may not be updating over Christmas but I will try to so if there isn't any new chapters in the next week or two; Christmas is the reason. Thank you for all your support on this book and I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Luv u xxx

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