[27] emotions and arguments

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"What happened?" Rowena asked Clary and Jace as the three of them ran back down the stairs of the abandoned building. "What did you guys see?"

Clary stopped at the bottom of the stairs and grabbed Rowena's arm, "We saw a demon touch the Soul Sword and both it and the Sword disintegrated. That means that there is a demon that could destroy the Sword." She explained.

"How do you know that?" Rowena asked, "How do you know that the demon can destroy the Sword, maybe there's another explanation."

"Like what, Rowena?" Jace asked, an obvious look of annoyance on his face.

Rowena shook her head, "Let's just find Luke and Cleophas and get out of here."


Rowena didn't follow Clary, Jace and Luke back to the Jade Wolf after they found him. Luke had told them that Valentine took Cleophas and Rowena decided she needed some time to herself. She had flown around New York for a while before dropping in on Magnus.

"Hello, Sunshine. Long time, no see." Magnus smiled at his friend, while mixing some kind of cocktail. "How have you been?"

Rowena slumped into Magnus' armchair and let out a long breath, "Horrible. Clary, Jace and I found out that Valentine had caught an angel."

"Your father?" He asked.

Rowena shook her head, "Ithuriel. But we saved him. He showed Clary and Jace some kind of vision of a demon and the Soul Sword. Clary thinks that a demon can destroy it but I know that the Sword, like all of the Mortal Instruments, it has the power to hurt and kill Downworlders. No one should have that kind of power."

"You're worried that Clary doesn't see the potential danger?" Magnus asked, handing Rowena a cocktail.

She took the cocktail from his hand and took a sip, "No, I just... I think she wants to try and destroy it, or use it against Valentine but I don't think it can be destroyed."

"I know what this is about." Magnus started, sitting down on the sofa across from Rowena, "Ithuriel showed the vision to Clary and Jace but not you." Rowena's eyebrows furrowed and she was about to retort before Magnus continued, "It makes the fact that the angels don't accept you, real. And, I think you want to defeat Valentine to prove to your father that you belong up there."

Rowena thought about what Magnus had said to her and realised that he was, in fact, correct. Why hadn't that angel shown her the vision? Why had he ignored her? Because her father and the rest of the angels didn't accept her because of her demon blood. All Rowena had ever wanted was for her father to accept her and seeing the angel made it real. "You're right." She stuttered out, a few tears welling up in her eyes.

Magnus put his cocktail down on the coffee table and came to sit by his friend, pulling her into a hug, "Shh, Sunshine, it's okay." He consoled as Rowena cried into his shoulder. He had never seen her this vulnerable. Rowena had always tried to make herself seem powerful and tried to ignore her emotions but right now, she couldn't. It had taken four thousand years for her to accept that the angels didn't accept her and that hurt like a thousand knives in her back, "It doesn't matter whether they accept you or not because I do, and Clary, and Jace, and Izzy, Simon, Alec and Luke. We're your family now."

"Thank you, Magnus."


After crying for a while, Alec showed up and asked Magnus if he could host his brother, Max's rune party at his apartment. Magnus agreed after a bit of convincing and had dragged Rowena into his planning. Rowena was helping hang decorations and display all the food while Magnus talked to Jace a bit about Alec, Rowena couldn't help but listen in, and once their conversation had ended the party began and was in full swing when Max arrived.

Rowena had mainly been hiding out on the terrace but eventually decided to join the party. She spotted Magnus at the bar and went over to join him. "Hey, how does the guest of honour like his party, I saw him arrive a few minutes ago."

"I think he likes it but I'm not too sure about Maryse." He said, grabbing drinks from the bartender.

Rowena chuckled, "Don't worry; she'll warm up to you. She has to, you're like the easiest person to get along with ever."

"Thank you, Sunshine. Now, I have to get these drinks to a certain someone. I recommend the sangria." He said before leaving the bar. Rowena ordered herself a sangria and sat at the bar for a while, greeting people who came to and fro before the bartender was swapped out.

"Can I get you a refill?" The new bartender asked Rowena, who was zoned out.

Rowena blinked and came back to the real world before replying, "Why not?"

"Enjoying the party?" The bartender questioned, refilling the glass and handing it back to Rowena.

She took the glass and took a sip, "Thanks, kind of. I don't really know many people here so I hid on the terrace for the first half an hour and then decided to venture in." She replied.

"Maia." She said, "That's my name." The bartender held her hand out for Rowena to shake.

Rowena smiled, "You're a werewolf, right, in Luke's pack."

"How'd you know?"

"I'm Rowena. I'm friends with Clary and company." She said, shaking Maia's hand.

Maia smiled at Rowena, "You're the half-angel, half-demon, right? Luke mentioned you and so have Simon and Clary." Rowena nodded before she heard some faint screaming from the roof.

"Sorry, Maia, I have to go and check on someone, I'll see you soon?" She said, getting up and leaving. Maia bid her goodbye and Rowena went outside to see Alec on the ledge of the building and Clary trying to coax him down.

"Alec... what are you doing? You're scaring me." Clary said, moving slowly towards him. "Alec, please, come down from there."

Alec turned to face Clary and Rowena who had just gotten out onto the roof, "I know, I know you wish I was dead instead of Jocelyn." He said, a tear falling down his cheek.

"I don't wish you were dead. Please... Okay? Don't worry. Take my hand. Take my hand." She continued to plead but Alec let himself fall off the rooftop, "Alec!" Clary screamed. Rowena ran and jumped off the roof, sprouting her wings and grabbing Alec before he hit the ground. She flew back up and put him on the floor against the wall, he was unconscious. "Oh, my God." Clary said, breathing heavily.

The door opened and Jace, Izzy and Magnus stepped out onto the roof. "What happened?" Izzy asked as they all collected around Alec.

"All of a sudden, he started talking about how I hated him for killing my mom." Clary said, confused.

"Alec?" Maryse cried, cutting Clary off and running over to her son.

Magnus was using his powers to help Alec, "It's okay, Rowena saved him."

"Yeah, is anyone else going to try and jump off of a roof or can I put these away now?" Rowena said, pointing to her wings. Maryse glared at Rowena who retracted her wings.

Jace looked over at Maryse and pointed his finger at her, "You know what, you stay away from him. You can't be trusted."

"I can't be trusted? Now you see why I was wary of having a party at a warlock's house." Maryse criticised.

Simon walked out onto the roof as well to see what had gone one, "Wow. What's going on here?"

"Oh, what do you care? Maia is at the bar." Clary spat.

Simon made a confused face, "Yes, and Alec's on the ground. Is he gonna be okay?"

"You're all gonna be okay. Everyone just stay here. I'll be right back." Magnus said, pulling Rowena to the side, "I think someone's interfering here. Can you stay with them." Rowena nodded and Magnus swiftly left.

A/N: Hope you all enjoy this chapter and are staying safe, sane and healthy. Also, when I checked this morning, this book had 3k reads! Thank you so much! :)

Luv u guys xxxxxx

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