Chapter 16

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The next time she woke up, it was to an incessant thrilling sound coming from somewhere around her. She grumbled as she stretched her hand and tried to clear her head.

She sat up, and winced from the sharp pain in her head, touched her forehead and then proceeded to pick up her phone still unaware of her environment. It was Amanda. She wondered why her friend would be calling her by that time which was apparently late.

"Hey, Mandy..." She mumbled.

"Bitch, why the fuck have you not been answering your damned phone! You nearly gave me a heartache!" Daisy's face furrowed, trying to understand what's with her friend. What's wrong with sleeping at night?

"Why are you calling, shouldn't you be sleeping or something? Wait, you quarreled with your girl?"

"What are you saying? Are you sure you are okay in the head? You told me you would return last night and then you didn't and didn't call to inform me about your change in plans!" Daisy's eyes dilated and at once, she skidded her eyes about, not seeing anything in the dark, she retrieved her phone and turned the light and merely survived fainting. Where the fuck is she?! She panicked.


"Mandy, I think I've been abducted!"

"What! How?"The other's voice was frantic by now.

"I don't know. I think I passed out last n...." It finally struck! She was with... "Ethan..." she thought out loud.

"What happened to Ethan? Did he abduct you? That's not possible."

"Yeah... I mean, I was with him. It turned out he was the mystery guy that sent the gown and invested in our new design..." She scrunched her face when she felt the ache increase.

"Are you okay?" Amanda asked her, her tone receding.

"Yeah, I think so. I mean, I just woke up now in an unfamiliar room. I think I passed out and he brought me to his house. The asshole..." She breathes the last part.

"Then you should be grateful to him rather than cuss him." Her friend admonished.

"That bastard deceived me! How come you ain't mad?!" She blew up, and winced once, deciding to go slow.

"Because he knew you wouldn't agree to accept it if he had asked directly."

"So you are siding with him?"

"I'm only being reasonable. Well, now that I finally know you are safe, I will call it a night."

"Thanks for checking up. How are they?" She asked, referring to her wards.

"They are good, they hardly missed you."

Daisy rolled her eyes. "Okay then, good night." She uttered and cut the call. When she dropped the phone, she switched on the bedside light, she recognized the room and slid off to use the bathroom and that was when she noticed she was half unclad. So many things swirled in her head at that point. Did he force himself on her while she was unconscious?

What the hell!

She rushed to the bathroom and flung off the robe around her, and checked herself. She didn't feel any ache down there and didn't feel awkward. Maybe he didn't, but then he didn't have the right to undress her! That prick! She flared, used the bathroom and came out. She was on her way to the door, meaning to locate him and maybe carry out her threat of castration when she saw the hangover pill on the lamp stand, and bottle of water.

She contemplated fighting first and coming back to it, but another thump in the head had her changing her direction to the pill which she gulped down, sat down to relax a bit and then, stood up to look for him, not giving on the right.

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