Chapter 21

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When they got to the meeting place, Daisy was already nervous, hoping that she wouldn't be surprised again as she was last night. She can't bear another day of surprises in her life.

"What is the problem, you seem tense," Amanda observed, as they walked into the hotel.

Daisy didn't want to tell her her worries because she didn't want her friend to think she was sounding crazy. This appointment she was certain it wasn't supposed to be a man. How did it turn into a man? awed her. She never knew the company's owner was a male and now thinking about it, she would fault herself for not doing adequate research on the company before now.

"I'm fine, I'm just nervous with the whole thing, you know it's our big deal." She chuckled anxiously and sashayed forward to avoid further questions from her friend, leaving Amanda and her assistant looking after her in worry. Amanda knew the impact Daisy's ex-husband was having on her and didn't want to appear too nosey. She just hoped she would be able to pull through.

"Do you have the file from Elemis?" She asked the assistant.

"Yes, ma.." The girl hurried forward to meet up with her.

They soon got to the reserved booths where Daisy was already seated, clicking fastly through her phone that she didn't even share a look as they sat down and the waiter came to welcome them. The assistant left with the waiter to lead the investors in when they came.

Amanda left her seat and went to sit down close to Daisy which garnered the other's attention at once. "What?" She asked with a crooked brow.

"I am worried. I understand the entire Ethan dilemma but you said you will be fine for this," She demonstrated with her hands.

"I am ready, Mandy. I promise," She said and sighed. "This mean a lot to us and I will not let some stupid mistake in my part to ruin it, okay? So calm your tits."

That got Amanda laughing. "That's my girl right there. So I did a little digging into the man, it appears he has a fleet of fashion industries in Europe as well as the Southeast. He is a big one in this game and trust me, might prove a little tough, but we got it."

Daisy was focused on her solely, "You saw his pictures?" She asked her with a wide eye. "Like, you saw him?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Amanda asked with a furrowed brow. "You didn't do any background check?" That was disapproval Daisy could spot right there and suddenly felt overwhelmed by guilt. She pouted and slouched back to show she was guilt-ridden and at once sat up when they heard the click of heels coming towards them.

"They are here!" She yelled and stood as the man and a lady came into view with her full face beaming assistant talking to the man about something which stopped when they neared the table.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person, Daisy and Amanda," He greeted smoothly and from his behavior, they could tell he was either a member of the queer community or a core supporter. Either one, Daisy was thrilled. It would make business smoother, plus, she was relieved now that it wasn't what she was thinking. She had thought it was Ethan. With the latest development, there is nothing he can not pull off.

The meeting went smoothly from there and just as she envisaged, they didn't talk for long as he was very pleased with their portfolio and sealed the deal there and then. The two friends couldn't believe it. Usually, deals are not sealed this fast. There will be a design presentation and about two extra meetings with more design to convince the other party that they were worth being given a shot and here he didn't even seem too invested as though he was 100 percent certain of their proficiency.

Either way, Daisy and Amanda were pleased, and from there they left for the favorite spot to celebrate their victory. This is one of the thousand deals they have sealed but it was the fastest and for whatever reason that made the man decide so fast, Daisy hopes he doesn't change his mind along the way. That was why the entire process was worth it, as they will have so many instances to know what they are going into.

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