The Scar of mystery

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(Bryan's pov)

"Where are they!?" I think. I've looked everywhere! The Tent, shops and the rides! Where could they be I mean Helpy and I were just talking. I then hear something from the pirate ship. I start running there then I hear my friends voises "What do you want want from Bryan!? Why do you want his so badly!?" I hear baby yell "Don't worry I just need Bryan because he has a seacret that could help us Twisted one's" I jump and hid behind the post  and see all of my friends in a cage and twisted Freddy infront of it. My friends see me. I hear something behind me. I turn and see Twisted wolf "Why hello Bryan" He says and grabs me by my hand and throws me so I slide infront of twisted freddy's legs. "Bryan!" I hear my friends yell. "Hello Bryan. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way" He says. I get up and look at my friends then back at the twisted animatronic's.

"Clarify" I say "You could give us the secret or we could just take you and torture you untill you tell us you're seacret" He says "Like i said. I don't know what seacret you are talking about!" I yell at them "Hard way then" They say all say in sync. I start to back up towards the edge of the ship while they are walking towards me. I hit the edge and sigh. I look at my friends who are fricking out. Lefty trying to break the walls and so are the others. I see Baby looking at me, her eyes show fear and she is shaking. I look back at the twisted one's "The chase is on..." I say and jump over the edge.

They are on my tail. I run as fast as I can. Then I see a yellow teddy bear and start to follow it. I am following the teddy bear and it takes me to a place I've never seen before or knew that it was in the park. I look behind and see the twisted animatronic's coming. Then something happes the teddy bear transforms into a animatronic and stands infront of me "I think that you should back off and leave this teampark" The animatronic says and the twisted animatronic's look sceard. They ran away and the animatronic looks at me "Time to Sleep" I start to feel dizzy and that blood is coming from my scar, then past out. "Don't worry.. It will be okay" Was the last thing i heard.


(Baby's pov)

We have broke the cage but now where is Bryan!? We are looking everywhere for him my mom is next to me and the others are infront of us "Mom what if we are too late? What if they got to him already?" I ask. She stops and looks at me "Don't worry, we will find him" My mom said to me. I nod and we start walking again. I look to my right to see a yellow teddy bear, the same one my little brother had before he died. I look around to see that I am far behind the others. I start to follow that teddy bear. It takes me to a place i haven't seen before and the closer we get I start to smell  little bit blood. I start to run where the smell is coming from and there I see Bryan. "BRYAN!" I yell and run next to him. I see that he's hair is covered in blood and there is little pool of blood under him "No no no no no no no no! Please be alive!" I think as i check if he had a pulse. I sigh in relef when i found out that there is one. I look little closer where to blood is coming from and i see stitches going around his head.

I sigh again in relef when I see that they are just old one's. I shock my head and look to my left to see the teddy bear is there. "Hey buddy can you watch him while I get the others?" I ask and then I remembered that it is a teddy bear, it can't understand me but then "Sure Elisabeth" I turn my head to look at the plush. "Wha- how?" I think. I see the teddy bear next to Bryan and looking at him. I sigh and get up and start to run where the others are, remebering the path as I go. I got to my tent and see others there "Baby! Where were you!?" My mother asked "Look we don't have much time! I've found Bryan but he's bleeding!" I say and start to run where I came from the others following behind me. We get to where Bryan is and.. the plush? Where is it? I think then I see it again but then i realysed how familiar it looked like.. It looked like Chris's teddy bear, but isn't he dead? The doctor's told Mom, Dad and Michael that he is. I feel something put on my shoulder and see it is my mom. I look at the others and see that  Rs. Freddy has Bryan and we started to run back where we can stop the bleeding. I look at my mom "I wonder where did Bryan get that scar on his head..." I say. "It looks like the scar Chris had but... He is dead" My mom said. I nod  then I see that Teddy bear bear again. I sigh and look at the door what behind is Bryan. Where did he got that mystery scar?

"Don't worry Bryan you'll soon remeber everything"

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