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𝒜s soon as Angela had fallen into a a light sleep, there was a rumbling overhead that she did not heed, confusing it for the sounds of the clouds. She started hearing the pitter-patter of the rain intensify, causing her to open eyes. Ugh, I better close that window before I get my room all wet, she thought with some annoyance. She had just started to get comfortable after hours of trying to sleep.

Though it was raining, the moon still shone brightly through the grey clouds, casting long dark shadows in her room. As she grudgingly made her way towards the window, she noticed it had opened farther than she'd left it. For some odd reason, she stuck her hand outside to feel the rain. Then, instead of closing the window, she felt a strange sensation, causing her to turn around.

In the shadows were two men—a tall, stately one and a shorter, stockier older man. She gasped and screamed in the horror of finding two intruders in the room.

"What the—?!"

"Forgive me for the sudden manner of my appearance, miss Angela," the tall one said calmly, stepping away from the shadows and towards her. Wait—how did he know her name? She could see now his long black curls of hair and penetrating blue eyes. She backed away and glared at him, quickly eyeing the room for any object she could use in self-defense.

"But you must come with me," he said and extended his hand. "I promise I won't hurt you."

She could barely muster speech, so she ran to the nearest object, an umbrella, and held it defensively in front of her. She internally cursed at herself for not finding something more aggressive to hit with. The only thing she could find that was heavier and carried more potential for damage was an old alarm clock that belonged to Grandma Jane, but it was at the opposite end of the room, too far away to make a run for it.

"Get out of my house!" She roared, a menacing expression on her face, standing in such a way that prepared her to attack at any given moment. Meanwhile, she noticed something strange—why was the tall one wearing what appeared to be pirate clothes?

"Oh, no need to be so flustered, madam," the shorter chubbier one piped up, his voice strangely friendly. "Cap'n Hook is a man of his word." His appearance was that of a sweet old man's, but Angela's suspicion and fear was far too much to have friendly eyes for either of them. But wait ... did he say Captain Hook? Was this some kind of vivid, crazy dream? To the best of her knowledge, Captain Hook was a character in the book her great-grandmother Wendy has written. This had to be a dream!

Captain Hook briefly looked at Smee, a bit annoyed that he interjected, and continued.

"I can't explain right now. Time is running out. You will have to trust me," he said with an urgency in his voice. His eyes were wide, as if concerned, and he kept his outstretched hand in front of her, slowly stepping toward.

"Why should I?" She replied, trying to stay calm, yet intimidating this time. Captain Hook raised an eyebrow, looking at her. He didn't seem to display signs of aggressive behavior, however.

"If you don't leave, I'll be calling the police," she threatened, her back against the window. She, of course, knew there was no time to do that, but she had to pull a bluff. She had no choice now. She could either somehow slide down the roof from the second story and risk injury, or fight the intruders. With her heart and mind racing and body overrun with adrenaline, the hard tip of the umbrella was now pressed against Hook's chest.

She then saw the hook gleaming silver in the moonlight as he used it to lower the umbrella from its position against his chest. What?

"Oh, but there'll be no need for that, my dear," he cooed.

Then it all happened quickly. A pair of arms wrapped around her waist and carried her and she screamed again, beating the umbrella against her captor. The person grunted in pain, but Hook sternly shouted, "Whatever she does, do not drop her! Or I'll rip your throat out with my hook!"

"Aye, Cap'n!" The voice behind her groaned.

Angela was in the air now, and she looked down at the ground and the streets far below her, panicking and screaming, her body struggling to escape. But there was nothing she could do—the more she kicked and screamed, the more of a chance she had of being dropped. But there was no room for such rational thought at this moment. The man behind her then put his hand over her mouth, and then her screams were muffled. She looked at Hook and the other man at her window in fear, and then looked up at the roof, observing that a large ship had stationed itself on top of the building. She saw the masts and the sails, but her panic overpowered her. This was far too much to comprehend, and too much of a sudden shock for Angela. Thus, as soon as the pirates on board had finished hoisting them up onto the Jolly Roger, she fainted.

Hook and Angela: A New Story of Neverland (ON HIATUS) Where stories live. Discover now