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Pha was getting annoyed.

Scratch that - he was already seriously annoyed. No, try more in the range of upset and utterly pissed off.

Why, you may ask?

Oh, nothing much. Just the stupid Moon of Engineering who kept coming to the Faculty of Medicine and pestering the shit out of Pha.

Yeah. *snort* Nothing much.

It started at the beginning of the year at the first practice for the Moon and Star Competition. Pha had been selected as the Moon of Medicine against his will, and forced to attend the practice with Pring, who hadn't been forced per se, but still conned into it. Neither wanted to take the time for what they deemed a meaningless, over-glorified beauty pageant.

It was at the end of the first practice Forth made his presence known. He strode right over to Pha and Pring, that wicked smile on his face and heat in his eyes, introducing himself to Pring. Then he turned to Pha.

"And who might you be, handsome?" And winked.

He actually fucking winked!!

Pha was so shocked, all he could do was stare at Forth with a blank face. The fight or flight instinct was quickly rising, and all Pha wanted to do was flee. Flee that crazy Engineer!

After that, Pha was hounded by Forth. He'd pop up in Medicine's canteen; in the food stalls Pha, Kit and Beam went to; he even somehow got Pha's number and sent him stupid, flirty texts everyday. And if that wasn't enough, he even had random people act like messenger birds and take little notes to Pha at odd times of the day.

It was getting to the point Pha was about ready to tear his hair out.

He'd only ever liked someone once, back in middle school. That girl had never even given him the time of day, so he shrugged his crush off, figuring he'd like someone else. But he never did.

After that, he'd thrown himself enthusiastically into his studies, basketball, and fighting. He was really good at fighting, having been trained in Krav Maga since he was young. With Kit and Beam by his side, the three of them were invincible - until Kit fell head over heels for Nong Wayo. The fighting had dwindled down to nothing since Kit didn't want Wayo to get a bad impression of him, which was alright with Beam and Pha in the end. Their new found free time was filled with more studying and basketball.

Then near the beginning of the freshman year at university, Beam got seduced by N'Ming - a high schooler! Pha couldn't understand his friends, falling for the first pretty/handsome face they saw. Sure, he'd been called handsome, and even won the popularity award along with the Campus Moon title at the Competition two weeks ago, but he didn't buy it. He was the one that stared in the mirror at himself every morning for years. He had to deal with the same face for his whole life, so he deemed himself about average in looks, which he wasn't upset about at all.

None of that explained the odd collection of people that seemed to stalk him everywhere he went. N'Ming said Pha had had a fan club back in high school - which, frankly, he'd never noticed - and he had a bigger one now. He didn't believe the Nong. There was no way he had a fan club.

All he had was an annoying stalker named Forth.


"Khun stalker, three o'clock."

"Enough with the weird spy slang, Beam."

"Like you weren't into it just yesterday, Ai'Kitty?"

"Call me that again-"

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