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Pha walked out of his dorm room the next day, only to see Forth leaning against the wall opposite, apparently waiting for him. Pha bit back the tired sigh. Forth didn't have a class until 10:30, so why was he outside Pha's room at 7:30 in the friggin morning??? If Pha didn't have a class until later, he would still be asleep, breakfast be damned.

(A/N: Not my feelings. Food comes before sleep. :P Who's with me?)

"Good morning!"

Pha did sigh then, rubbing his forehead. "Forth, how are you so happy this early in the morning??"

Forth smiled. "I wasn't...until I saw your face."

"Cheesy," Pha muttered, hoping his cheeks weren't red. His face was hot. He hadn't expected Forth to be so...flirty at an early hour.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?"

Pha blinked as Forth smoothly took the backpack from him, sliding it over his own shoulder. "Um...kinda. I had to go over notes, and that took me a few hours."

"You need sleep to function, Pha."

"When I'm an actual doctor, I'll be getting even less sleep," Pha pointed out, reaching out for his bag. "I can carry that."

"Nope. Not while I'm courting you, you won't."

Pha said nothing. What was there to say? He followed quietly after Forth down to the parking lot. He was about to head to his car when Forth grasped his wrist, pulling him back. Pha turned, frowning. "What?"

"Your class is at nine, right?"


"Hop on my bike. I'll take you to breakfast, then take you to your faculty."

"And how am I supposed to get back?"

"I'll pick you up."

Pha didn't have to think about it. He was in no shape to drive since he'd gotten so little sleep, so it was really fortunate that Forth had showed up. "Okay." Pha turned and went in the opposite way towards Forth's bike.

"That was easy," Forth murmured. Louder, he said, "I thought I'd have to fight you on it."

"Too tired," Pha grumbled.

Maybe I should've brought my car instead... Oh well. It was too late to go back and switch the vehicles at that point. Forth swung a leg over, gesturing for Pha to get on behind him. "Hold on tight. Don't want you falling off the back."

Pha shot him a look. "Thanks a lot."

"That's why I said hold on tight."

You just want my arms around you. Pha did as instructed, catching a whiff of the spicy cologne Forth had one. "What cologne is that?" He asked, interested. It was a familiar scent.

"Perry Ellis 360 Degrees,"* Forth told him, smirking to himself, happy again that he'd brought his bike and not the car. He could hear Pha sniffing at him. "Like it?"

"I'm trying to place it," Pha answered absentmindedly, taking another sniff and accidentally brushing his nose against Forth's ear. "I know I've smelled it before...just can't remember where or when..."

Forth worked his jaw, forcing himself not to get upset. Pha had already told him he'd never been with anyone, so there was no reason to be jealous over a nonexistent person.

Easier said than done.

"Oh well...It'll come to me later," Pha said, pulling away from Forth's neck. He still had no idea the effect he'd had on Forth with merely sniffing his neck. "Where are we going?"

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