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Pha batted Forth's hand away for the tenth time, focusing his attention back on his textbook and notes. He had already told Forth that the Medicine coursework was more involved, thus longer study periods, so he needed to bring extra stuff in addition to his homework to do. However, Forth did not take his advice.


Pha scowled down at the hand lying innocently on his knee again. His eyes traced up the arm to the shoulder, up the neck and finally to the face it was all connected to. His scowl deepened, eyes flicking down to the offending hand and back up. I will kick you out if you don't BEHAVE.

Forth shrugged, proceeding to squeeze Pha's knee before retracting his hand.

Pha swallowed a sigh. He caught sight of Beam eyeing Forth weirdly. They exchanged exasperated glances, shaking their heads before getting back into their studying. When Ming visited during a time that Beam was trying to study, he knew better than to distract Beam.

1. He'd already done it once, and really didn't want to be ignored as punishment again.

2. Distracting Beam was also dangerous to Ming's physical safety - Beam had smacked him hard enough to leave a bruise.

Kit was the opposite. He distracted himself when Yo was around, so Yo made sure to never visit when Kit had scheduled study time. He didn't want to be the cause of Kit failing an exam. Kit kept trying to reassure Yo his presence wouldn't have such an effect, but Yo stuck by his decision and only visited after the study time was over.

Now Pha had his own problem - handsy Forth. He smacked the hand off his knee again, shooting Forth a death look - do it again, I'll break your friggin wrist.

One side of Forth's mouth turned up in a crooked smile. Pha's anger was amusing to him.

If he does it again, I'm smacking him over the head with my dictionary and calling it a day, courting be damned. Pha sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Hitting Forth wouldn't solve anything. Plus, all that would happen is Forth would get a headache, and Pha's dictionary would most likely have a dent in the cover. On top of that would be Pha's guilt over hurting someone when he was studying to become a doctor to stop people's pain. Ignore him...ignore him...that or ban him from coming ever again...Ooo, I like that option...

"Pha," Pring said quietly in his ear so as not to disturb the others still studying. "I'm done for the day. See you in class tomorrow?"

Pha nodded, giving her a warm smile. "See you in class tomorrow." After Pring were two others girls, waving bye at Pha, then a guy nodding his head at Pha. None of them spoke because they didn't want to disturb anyone else. Pha checked the time again, closing his textbooks and gathering up his notes when he saw it was six thirty. "I think that's enough for one day," he said, standing and putting his things into his bag.

"Dinner?" And Forth had his bag before he could even think to refuse him.

Pha let it go. If Forth wanted to carry his bag that badly, then he wasn't going to stop him. "We could just order takeout at my dorm. I'm too worn out to go somewhere."

Forth nodded. "I've never been in your room before."

"Really? I was certain you had at one point," Pha frowned. The two of them left the private study room, heading for the faculty doors. "Huh...my brain must be malfunctioning."

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