Dancing with Deception (7)

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As usual I've kept you all patiently waiting, but for once I can say that the next chapter is also almost completed so you won't have to wait quite as long for that one ;)

I'd like to give a special thanks to melissaroxx48 for the lovely cover art on the side. I love banners so if anyone feels like making one I'd be happy to dedicate a chapter to you as well! 

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Chapter 7 – The Price of a Prince

"Some people just aren't cut out for this lifestyle."


"Why don't you just do everyone a favor,"



"And quit?"

I ducked down as the last blow whistled overhead, stumbling over my feet at the awkward position I'd been forced into.

Alina sneered in disgust, striding away without a second glance as I struggled to regain my balance.

"Use your feet as an anchor. Keep your legs spaced shoulder width apart and bent slightly at the knees to keep from loosing your balance and to help carry the weight of the blows," The Queen explained cheerfully, repeating the same instructions I’d been hearing for the last two weeks.

Hiding my frustrations I nodded, grateful she hadn’t yet labeled me as hopeless and sent me packing home, a failure.

"They all make it sound so easy," I muttered under my breath.

Though it pained me to admit it, my easy upbringing was a severe disadvantage in circumstances such as these.

My body had not been conditioned to such strenuous exercise and my knees still trembled under the force of even the softest strikes, forcing me to move or fall.

All the other girls here had had months to years of building up muscle, either due to the position they were born into or in preparation for the Academy.

Most surprising of all was how bothered I was by the lack of improvement. The last thing I ever thought I would care about was foolishly swinging around glorified pointy sticks, yet as the others progressed in strength and skill while I continued to fall short it became all I could think about.

To leave without what I came for was unthinkable, yet to stay seemed an unbearable agony as it became obvious that everyone pitied my constant struggles.

I had no more love for the sport than I ever had, but the feeling of inferiority was not one I could take lightly.

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