Bonus Chapter for Post-Valentine's

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...This happened before the main story happened...

Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, Philippines is busy.

He didn't make February 14 an official holiday but it's still special.
Philippines made something unique that made him well-known during Valentines...

Mass weddings

A new tradition in his country where every Valentine, his government will simultaneously wed hundreds of lovers all over his territory.

The problem is that Philippines is always the event planner and wants to do something different this year.

That's the reason why Philipp continuously bangs his head on his desk in the hope that his brain will magically give him an inkling.

"Still no ideas?" Martial says while peeking through the door.

"Kuya, help me!!! I can't think a single idea for the mass wedding." Philipp whines as he slams his head on his desk once more.

Martial did nothing but laugh and enters the room picking up the trash and laundry inside.

"If you're that stressed over a day where people shoves cakes in their mouths, why don't you visit your 'special friends'? Maybe they will come to your rescue in your crisis. It's not like they've helped you or anything." Martial barked with sarcasm and bitterness. He doesn't really hate Philipp's friends, but he hates the fact that Philipp seems to depend so much on them it's a bother.

"That's IT!!!" Philippines suddenly screamed excitedly causing Martial jolt.

"What?" Martial asked at the sudden outburst.

"I'll get ideas from other countries on how they celebrate Valentine's!!!"

"Wait, I didn't mean that. You already have a so many thin-" Martial was about to disagree but was cut off by Philippines running out of the room.

Guess Martial can't stop his brother now...

...later that day on ASEAN's building...

"Salutations, Sir!" ASEAN greeted the bouncing country as he approached. His serious face looks intimidating but he offers a gentle smile.

"Hey, kid! Great job on last week's presentation. You were amazing!!" Philipp greeted ASEAN and beams at him with a smile and a thumbs up.

"T-thank you, Sir. I will take that as a compliment." ASEAN, despite his serious face, can't help but be flustered at Philipp's praise.
He was one of the countries that formed him, so it feels like being praised by his dad.

"Ay oo (Ah yes), do you happen to know where the others are?" Philipp asked ASEAN.

"Yes. Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia are in the audio-visual room. Singapore and Brunei are in their office. The rest is back in their territories. Do you want me to accompany you?" ASEAN offered.

"Thank you but I can manage. See ya!!!"

Both then said their goodbyes and Philippines headed towards the audio-visual room.

When Philipp opens the door, he was greeted with three countries sitting on the sofa watching a Thai rom-com movie (courtesy of Thailand, lending them movies so that none of them will pester him).

Vietnam was watching intensely while Indonesia and Malaysia kept on arguing who is 'the better guy' for the lead.

"Mga pre!!! Kamusta? (Bros!!! How are you?)" Philippines greeted cheerfully and caught the other's attention.

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