Chapter 6: Brooklyn House

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Sadie's POV
I can't believe it. Percy had to leave Andrew. Not my OTP. Why gods why must you do this. WAIT. I just realized that since Percy is reincarnation of the ancient queen she's higher in the Egyptian Hierarchy than me. There's one thing that I'm thinking. Will we lose our memories of her. Because I don't want to forget all the good times we've had together. When she leaves, who will I pull pranks with. With her water powers our pranks were on the next level. DAM IT! Why does she have to go. I am going to head to the library to see if I can figure out anything about the millennium items, the nameless pharaoh, and Queen Persephone. I'm not paying attention and bump into--
"Walt!" I kinda yell, "I'm so sorry for bumping you I wasn't paying attention."
"It's fine. It seems like you and Carter have had a lot on your minds recently. Mind sharing what's been bothering you?" He inquires.
"Well there's been a surplus of ancient magic recently. Two of the past rulers have come back to save the world again. The queen has been reincarnated and she's one of my best friends. Carter and I don't want to lose another person we care about. Percy is one of the best people I've met," I say with tears in my eyes.
I witness Anubis take control of their shared body.
"Sadie my love you don't mean Queen Persephone and the Nameless Pharaoh do you?" Anubis asked worriedly
"Yes I'm talking about them why?" I question him.
"If they're getting the Pharaoh's memories back then the Queen is in even more danger than last time. She could get killed in the memories along with other things that could go wrong. I need Isis to hear me and I need to talk to her," he says almost rambling.
I then let Isis takeover
Isis's POV
If what Anubis is saying is true then. Shit Horus and I need to go back in time and warn Persephone.
"I can't believe it. I didn't think to warn her about this. The future pharaoh's life is in danger," I say.
"Calm down Isis I am sure everything is ok. We need to hope that Sadie didn't hear what you just said," he warns me.
With that I go in and have Sadie forget what I said. I then continue to talk with Anubis and he tells me he remembers when the queen's soul left the Egyptian afterlife. He told me how worried he was because those two were our favorite rulers. I then walk to the library to get Sadie to where she was going. I then release control to her.
Sadie's POV
That was weird the last thing I remember is letting Isis take over, so how did I get to the Library. Time to look through the 'M' section for the millennium items. The section is huge! I start look for 'MIL'. After about five minutes of searching for the section I find it. There's only two books on the items. Now it's time to go to the book of pharaohs. This is just great. Any and everything with his name has been removed. It must be connected to a spell if his name was removed. Hey, I bet Percy knows his name. To bad she has already left for Egypt. As I'm looking through his section I see Percy's name pop up. I decided to look in the next section. The photo in that section the pharaoh looks like the owner/ ceo of Kaiba Corp. As I read into the section I notice it says that he was a kind and merciful ruler. One of the main reason he was known as that was because he expanded the life of Queen Persephone for reasons the book didn't specify. I looked through the laws multiple times and the only reason the queen's life would last longer than their husbands was if *le gasp* I then look in the next section. The next pharaoh looks like Percy and the nameless pharaoh.
Yes Sadie
Was the reason Queen Persephone's life was spared because she was (*^$%#@&?
Yes Sadie that was the reason for her life being expanded. Now you might want to let your brother know now.
I'm going to go do that now
I need to go tell Carter what I discovered. He's more book smart than I am so he might dig up more about the nameless Pharaoh than I have.

Carter's POV
Ugh this is so stressful. I can't find anything on the pharaoh. There's nothing on his name. There must be a reason for the name to be erased. A spell that used his name as a seal. I hope that Percy and the pharaoh are doing well with getting his memories back. I wonder how Egypt is. Wait, who are the tomb keepers again. The Ishtar family, so that mean Ishizu is helping them. I know now that they are in good hands because I trust Ishizu and I somewhat trust her brother Marik. I was about to close my computer, but I got a message from the Chief Lector aka my Uncle Amos Kane.

Dear Heads of the Nomes,
I would like to inform you of ancient magic being used in the next few hours/days. The nameless pharaoh has returned and is trying to get his memories back. Along with the reincarnation of Queen Persephone. I would like you all to inform all magicians that fall under your jurisdiction about the following events that might happen
Any other natural disaster.
The spell used to seal and regain the pharaoh's memories can effect the present. Please be on high Alert.

Chief Lector Amos Kane.
Great now I have to make an announcement to warn everyone about potential natural disasters. I should probably warn the Greeks and Romans about this. Luckily Percy taught me how to Iris Message.
"O goddess Iris please except this offering and show me Chiron Camp Half-Blood," I say as the image forms in the mist.
"Carter what a nice surprise," The old centaur said, "May I ask why are you calling?"
"Well it has to do with Percy," I tell him. He looks at me giving me the go ahead to continue, "you see when Percy goes and does her unfinished business it can effect our world. Just be prepared for natural disasters and they aren't caused by your gods but a dark force from ancient Egypt. If Percy can stop him in time then their is no need for you to worry, but we both know her quite well so be prepared and tell Camp Jupiter to be prepare."
"Thank you my boy I will make sure that that happens," Chiron says giving me a smile.
I then cut through the message ending it. Just as I sat down my sister comes barging through the door.
"Carter you won't believe what I just found out," She says.
"I want to hear it only if it has to do with Percy or the nameless Pharaoh," I tell her.
"Oh it's about those two. I was in the library looking for more information on the two and it say that Persephone didn't have the queen's ceremony until three years after the nameless Pharaoh died/ disappeared. I had Isis confirm my theory about why and it's was true. Persephone was )*(%^?@!#," she tells me with a sparkle in her eyes.
I think about what she told me then I send her to tell the magicians of this Nome what Amos said.
What is it Carter
Why didn't you tell me about Persephone being *&*(^*(&^(& when the pharaoh fought the being I don't know of
It wasn't my place to tell but know that you know my past self can warn her not to over exert herself.
Well I hope your past self can help her.
Me too especially since their son was the best pharaoh besides his father to ever sit on the Egyptian Throne.
1352 words

What Does the Past Have to Do With Now? Yugioh and PJO Crossover Fem Percy(✅)Where stories live. Discover now