Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: This Schist Again!

Percy's POV

I need to check something. I need to make sure because if it is as last time I will need to be more careful. If we're in the past then everything might be as it once was then I need to make sure. I needed to get out of there so I can figure this out before Bakura gets here. I run to my chambers through the passageway. After a few minutes of running through the passage, I arrive in the room, but I start to feel sick and I run to my bathroom and to the trash can and throw up. Yup, I'm pregnant again. Wait a dam minute does this mean I'll be the last to leave the memories. I don't want to be stuck here. The others will be gone while I have to stay here reliving my past. After crying in the bathroom and making myself look like I haven't cried I walk to my balcony. I look out and by the gates just a little bit away I see him approaching. I then walk to my desk and grab my duel disk that I used back then. I go and head back to the throne room, and just as I get out of the passage I see them trap the monster who tried to assassinate Yami.

"Oh, look she's here to do her part in the ceremony," Aknadin says with slight anger.

"Wow I didn't think a prick like you could ever be related to a wonderful ruler like Aknamkanon," I say back.

"Your majesty control your wife or we'll control her for you," Seto says.

"You know that I have a name and a mouth of a sailor right. I can curse you all out so much I think you'll pass out from shock. If I must do my part then by the power of the millennium ring and items you are sealed and never to be re-animated," I say, "Take the stone away please."

After I walk back to my place beside Yami. I have made a decision of what I'm going to do. I am going to keep the pregnancy a secret once again. I start to relax, but then there's a noise of a horse that means Bakura is here. This time I won't be taken by surprise. This time I'll stop him before he gets a chance and if I remember correctly I had my water powers in Egypt also. I count down in my head 'Five, Four, Three, Two' horse sound crashes through door 'One'. As soon as he gets off his horse I take the water from the flower vases and use them to constrict Bakura and keep him in place. I may or may not have hit him in the face with a piece of ice. When I look around the rest of the court and Yami are freaking out. Well, except maybe for Mahad he knows I can do magic.

"Mahad did you do that?" Shada asked the magician.

"No I didn't. The queen did that bit of magic," Mahad replies.

"CURSE YOU PERSEPHONE!" I hear Bakura yell.

"Oh suck it up you sissy ice isn't even that cold," I yell back.

"Your majesty watch your language,"Aknadin tells me, but I stick my tongue out at him and give him the good old middle finger. Hopefully, no one knows what it means besides Yami.

I start to feel faint then I start to fall and I hear voices and people coming to surround me. After what feels like a few hours I start to come to.

"Guards search this thief," I tell them they look hesitant, but then I gave them my level three stare. Once they see my stare they immediately go and search him.

"This is what we found your highness," the guards hand me our ancient duel disk.

"You won't be needing this anymore," I tell him.

I then start to summon The winged dragon of Ra and Yami gets up and summons Slifer the sky dragon. I finish summoning Ra as Slifer appears beside him.

"Holy Ra you two summoned the Egyptain gods. How?" Aknadin states.

"You know what just shut up," I yell at him. I also start to feel weak again. CURSE PREGNANCY! Although I don't curse my child because I love him. Yes it's a boy because I remembered the gender of my child. I try to send Slifer to attack because in this state I need to defeat Bakura before--- wait why is Ra coming behind m-- *collapses*

Yami's POV (before Percy gets back)

I am wondering why Persephone had to leave. Ever since I let her leave the court has been giving me weird looks. I guess I keep on forgetting we're in the past. Also when she left she had a worried look on her face. I hope everything is okay. If I'm being honest I don't like that she didn't tell me anything about what is to happen. I bet she knows my real name. I wonder why she didn't tell me. I am brought out of my thought by Mahad jumping in front of me blocking a poison dart from reaching me. They then start to perform the Millenium ceremony. (This is now skipping to when Persephone collapses.) All of a sudden Persephone collapsed. Luckily with my reflexes and W.D.R. behind her we catch her before she hits the floor. With Persephone out her magic stops and Bakura gets free from the ice. Then an invisible force throws the guards away from Bakura. I set my wife on my throne and then I start to duel him.

(A/N Watch the last 20 episodes of season 5 for the duels.)

Bakura escaped but that's not important right now. I pick Persephone up and run to where our room / chamber is. I lay her down on our huge king size bed. Isis comes and gives me a cool cloth to put on her head. After that everyone starts to talk and asking me questions.

"Listen I know nothing. Mahad do care to explain her magic though and why this could've happened," I state.

"Well her and Mana were my top students and that was until your father the previous pharaoh ordered her to take up royal classes so she would be ready to rule by your side. After classes she would always come to me and Mana and complain about them," He said, "Her magic is very strong, but she could be sick and that may be the cause for her fainting."

Well now we headed to the war room to think up a strategy.

Seto Kaiba's POV (Bet you didn't expect Mr. Screw the rules I have money did you)

Stupid Bakura and his cheap card tricks. I am now flying to Egypt in my Blue Eyes White dragon jet. Here's the thing I don't know why he gave me this eye. I bet everything he has done is really just some mind trick.

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A/N sorry for the late update.

What Does the Past Have to Do With Now? Yugioh and PJO Crossover Fem Percy(✅)Where stories live. Discover now