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𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟹, 𝟸𝟶𝟶𝟾
𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚕𝚢𝚗, 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚈𝚘𝚛𝚔

"Please don't go in that street! im going run inside for 2 seconds

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"Please don't go in that street! im going run inside for 2 seconds." The young girl's mother told them, standing up from the chair she was braiding hair in. The little girl nodded, and sat down in the chair her mom once took up.  "Im not Mommy, I will sit here 'til you get back." She spoke properly before her mom began to walk up to the house quickly.

For a 10 year old she was pretty smart, in the  5th grade already reading on a advanced level.  Her name was Eani, latin for special and that she was indeed.  Soon enough her mama came strolling back outside, the men watched and women did too,  Xi was that girl and had been since a  youngin'.

"You can go ahead and go play baby." Her mom smiled with her hands on her hips. Eani quickly jumped up and scurried off towards the street where most of the kids were playing.

"Finally!" Her bestfriend Sierra smiled, taking her hand.  Leading  her to the jump ropes. Giving her friend a smile, she grabbed the rope and began to jump swinging the rope fastly. Her friend looked at her amazed, Sierra could jump rope but not that fast.  "Who taught you that? Your mom?"  She asked and  Eani shook her head.

"No, my daddy. He in heaven now." She said sadly.  Being too  old enough to know he was dead but not old enough to know what happened, she was left in the dark. Eani didn't know Eric had been murdered by his best friend because of jealousy. That same best friend who comes over and often has "play dates" with mommy.

"Oh-I'm sorry." Sierra told her sadly, the young girl had no idea what to say. Eani shook her head  kicking   a  pebble on the side walk back and forth.  "Its okay, My mommy says he is still with me." She smiled and shrugged playing with her necklace he got her for her 5th birthday.  The only thing of her father she had left.

Happily the two girls played on without a care in the world. Eani had a big smile on her chubby face as she jumped rope as fast as she could. Suddenly she lost her footing, twisting her ankle and stumbling onto the street as a  car came speeding by, knocking her 5 feet from where she was  previously playing.

The whole street was quiet as they watched her fly through the air. Nobody knew who the child belonged to til they heard the voice of Xi calling out for her babygirl.


Approaching the crowd she silently prayed it wasn't her baby. Dropping to her knees, she approached the little girl  who could barely keep her eyes open. "You better stay with me!"
She yelled, patting her daughters cheek. "Please, come on. not today!" She croaked, the tears from her eyes now hitting on Eani's face.

The sirens that could be heard in the distance finally got closer for what felt like hours. Whole ride to the hospital Xi was hushed, silently praying her daughter pulled through. Eani dies today then Xi would too, no doubts about it. She couldn't be alone.

"Sorry ma'am, you can't come back here." The nurse spoke sympathetically , stopping her from going through the doors Eani was just wheeled into. Decideding to not act a ass because she knew it was hospital policy, she sat down placing her head in her hands.

Hours and hours had passed and Xi nerves were a mess because she hadn't heard anything. Her anxiety was through the roof, legs had been shaking non-stop the whole time.  She looked up just in time to see a  doctor come through those doors looking at her clipboard.

"Family of Eani McFly?"  She called out, Xi rushed to her . "Please tell me my baby is okay?" She pleaded, tears cascading down her cheeks. Nodding the doctor smiled and handed her some tissues. "You are raising a strong girl and I can only imagin where she gets it from. She asked about you soon as she woke up. The room is  231 upstairs on the childrens floor but I must warn you it isn't pretty."  She explained before going into more detail about Eani's condition.

Xi made sure to thank the nice doctor before scurrying off in that direction. More tears slipped as she stepped into the room, looking at her baby girl.  "Mommy." She croaked reaching her small hand out. "Mommy's here baby. Thank you jesus." The woman cried in joy, rocking back and forth.

For weeks the two stayed in that hospital until it was time for her to go. Coincidentally today was January 3, 2009, Eani's birthday. "You ready to get home mama?" She asked smiling at her daughter. She looked like the perfect combination of her and Eric.

"Yes mommy! Today my birthday!" She clapped as the doctor entered. The older lady smiled at Eani in her birthday outfit, a tutu with a custom shirt and chuck taylors. Xi even went the extra mile and sprayed temporary dye in her hair, the colors pink and blue matching the outfit.

"Don't you look pretty! Happy Birthday! You ready to get home and party?" She enthusiastically asked making the little girl laugh and nod. She nodded before turning to Xi, pulling her aside. "So, she is making tremendous progress but keep a close eye on her when playing or doing anything exhausting, any fainting, nasuea, or blurred vision bring her to the hospital asap. We would also like to see her twice a month to monitor the tumor." Xi took a deep breath and nodded looking at her clueless daughter watching cartoons. She hated to put her through constant doctor visits but she had no choice.

But from that day foward, Xi knew it was something different about her daughter.

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