Chapter 13

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Chapter song: Stay by Miley Cyrus
-2 weeks later. 7pm-
(Becca's pov)
I'm so done with this. Just a few days? More like just a few weeks. Justin hasn't been here in weeks, WEEKS. Do you know how difficult it was to live without Justin? It's a fucking nightmare. I've cried my eyes out everyday for the past 2 weeks, because I'm aching for Justin. The loneliness is too much. I've been waiting to hear a tap on my window, and nothing happened. I'm done with him.
I screamed in my pillow, trying to let out all my anger.
"Well that's a nice way to express yourself"
A familiar voice spoke. Justin.
"What the hell took you so long!"
I was surprised yet angry.
"Shh, baby, your parents"
Justin stepped closer.
"I don't fucking care. What took you do long"
Yes, I was hurt, but I was angry at the same time.
"Becca, I'm so sorry. I had to stay in Atlanta for a while. I know it's not a good excuse, but I got signed"
He explained. Justin got signed? That's amazing, but I'm still upset that he left for so long.
"...I missed you"
My eyes teared up, and I held in a breath to keep from crying.
"C'mere shawty"
Justin pulled me into a hug. That's when I let the tears out. He slowly rocked me as I continued to cry.
"Shhh, it's ok now"
He whispered against my temple. His shirt was getting wet as I held him tight.
"I'm sorry"
Justin whispered.
"...Its. Ok"
I finally mumbled.
"No, it's not. I really didn't have a choice, Becca"
He broke the embrace to hold my face carefully in his hands.
"Ok, I said it's ok, Justin"
I sniffled while he dried my eyes with his thumbs.
"You ok?"
He lightly pressed our foreheads together. I nodded then closed my eyes.
"I love you"
His fingertips stroked along my jawline.
"I love you too"
I opened my eyes to see his shocking chocolate-caramel brown eyes looking in mine. They started to shut as he leaned closer. I did the same and let our lips meet. We clung to each other desperately, like we haven't seen each other in years. I let his tongue inside my mouth, which made the kiss more romantic. Justin grabbed my butt, making my cheeks burn. He smirked in the kiss and starting fondling me. We climbed on the bed, taking our clothes off except our under garments. Justin kissed my neck and jawline, which made me smile. He was hovered over me as he kissed my breasts-my bra still on-and he put his hand underneath my bra, making me gasp but let it continue. Justin dragged his fingertips over my stomach, causing me to giggle. He touched my inner thighs and placed kisses on them. I liked how it felt. Justin is so gentle with me, not to mention, it feels like heaven. Suddenly, I felt his hand touch my area on the outside of my panties. I looked at him wide-eyed then nodded and rested my head on my pillow. Justin kissed my neck as his fingers slowly rubbed my area. I let out a small moan, letting him know that it felt good. Are we taking it too far? I mean, we're only 15. Nah, I've seen worse. I let it continue. Justin's fingers were now rubbing me fast, and I moaned more. There was a sensational feeling spreading throughout my body. The feeling got stronger as Justin kept rubbing me. I held him tight as I felt-what I guess was called-an orgasm.
"you like that"
He smirked and kissed me over and over and over again. My face heated up, then I threw my arms around him.
"Too far?"
He whispered as we laid beside each other.
"Not at all"
I smiled. My area was tingling from Justin's touch.
He pulled me close, so I could rest on his bare shoulder.
" got signed. Wow, that's incredible. What's it like?"
I made myself comfortable next to Justin.
"It feels good. We're making an album"
He stroked his hand through my hair.
"holy crap. Justin, that's so cool"
I exclaimed.
"I know. I couldn't believe it"
He breathed out.
"So that means you're gonna be famous?"
I was more than proud of Justin.
He looked up at the ceiling.
I smiled at him even though he couldn't see it.
"Let's talk about you. Are your parents giving you a hard time?"
He looked back in my eyes.
"Yea, they won't leave me alone. Right now, they're doing work or cooking dinner"
I circled my finger on his chest.
"What about school?"
His eyes glanced at my finger then met my eyes again.
"It's getting really difficult"
I muttered.
"It'll be ok, love"
Justin rarely called me 'love'. Whenever he does, it makes my heart race.
"I hope so"
I cuddled up against him.
"My mom wants me home soon, baby. I'll see you tomorrow"
Justin started to gather his clothes.
"No, Justi-in, don't go"
I held onto his hand to keep him from going. He just came here. Does he really have to go already?
"I have to, babygirl"
He was reaching for his clothes, but I pulled him back to face me.
"No. I didn't wait half a month for you to see me for only 30 minutes"
I lowered my voice.
"Becca...ok. I have to tell my mom first"
He agreed, and I mentally celebrated inside my head.
"I'll be back in a few"
He climbed onto the tree by my balcony.
I smiled. Today is a Friday, so there's no school tomorrow. I'm so happy that I finally get Justin all to myself. I'm still upset that he kept me waiting so long, but he has a good excuse. I wonder what his songs will sound like. If they sound good with just his voice, can you imagine with instruments? Especially the guitar. Damn, he would sound amazing.
"Alright, shawty. I've got good news and bad news"
Justin quietly shut my balcony door.
"Tell me the bad news"
I motioned him to sit beside me on my bed.
"...I've gotta go back to Atlanta tomorrow for...about a week"
He sounded apologetic about that. I sighed and didn't say anything.
"It's fine, Justin. I know this is very important to you"
I held in the tears and sobs.
"...The good news is that my mom said I could spend the night"
Justin tried to brighten the mood. I hugged him tightly.
"It'll be ok, babe"
He hugged back.
"Just...promise me you'll spend as much time as you can with me"
I mumbled in his shirt.
"I will, baby"
He kissed my head. I took off my pants then crawled into bed. Justin stripped to his underwear and laid beside me, wrapping me up in the process.
"I love you, shawty"
He kissed my cheek before letting me snuggle in his neck.
"I love you too, Justy"
I pulled myself closer against him. I wish this could last forever. Too bad Justin has to leave again.
Justin woke up and stretched his arms, making me wake up too.
"Morning, shawty"
Justin smiled cutely.
"Morning, Justin"
I smiled at the feeling of Justin next to me.
"I love waking up like this"
He smiled.
"Me too"
I pulled myself on top of him.
"Damn, you're so beautiful"
He cupped my face in his hands.
"Aww, Justin"
I blushed in his neck.
"You know it's true"
He caressed the back of my neck.
"When do you have to go?"
I looked back up in his eyes.
He muttered guiltily.
"...I'm gonna miss you"
I sighed and hugged him closer.
"I'm gonna miss you too, bae"
He switched places with me, so that he was hovering over my body.
"Are your parents awake yet?"
His voice was quiet and soothing.
"They usually wake up around 10"
I stated.
"I guess that means we have to be twice as quiet"
He smirked. I giggled silently and wrapped my arms around him. Justin chuckled against my neck. He slid my shirt off over my head and threw it on the floor. His hands started feeling my body. They felt so good against my skin. We started kissing continuously, tasting each other the most we could before Justin had to leave. The more intense the kiss got, the more it hurt me. I pressed myself as tight and close to Justin as possible.
"Baby, are you ok?"
He mumbled in the kiss. I shook my head, my eyes watering up.
"What's wrong?"
He sat me up.
"I-I don't want you to leave again, Justin. It's too stressful, and I miss you"
I forced myself to not cry.
"Becca, I know...but I have to. This is important. I promise I'll pay you back"
He looked so hurt and sorry.
There wasn't much I could say.
"Forget about that, shawty"
Justin kissed me again.

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